Books for Babies

Books for Babies is a multidisciplinary project inspired by a MassCue presentation made by Suzy Brooks, an educator in Falmouth. Beginning with a conversation about why it is important to read, students in Mrs. Kinney's third grade classroom embark on a community-driven research and digital publishing project.

The project begins in Mrs. Kinney's classroom, where students begin to think about their own introduction to literacy, their favorite board books, and how early literacy has helped them become the reader they are today.

Students then begin to research the importance of reading to young children and the influence it has on student literacy. Students use this research, as well as their own memories of being read to as a child, to write persuasive letters to new parents about the importance of reading to their baby. Additionally, students choose their favorite board book and practice reading it to improve their own fluency using the digital portfolio app Seesaw! Once students have practiced reading their book 100 times, they are ready to record with our music teacher, Mr. Wagg.

The project culminates with a visit to the Lynnfield Public Library to spread their message of the importance to read to your baby. At the library students are matched with a parent and young child with whom they will share their knowledge and passion for reading. The students will read their favorite board book, gift the family the board book, as well as a CD recording of them reading it, and the persuasive letter.

Mrs. Kinney's Third Grade 2017-2018

Books for Babies Digital Listening Library

Need to be persuaded?

Check out these well researched, well written persuasive letters by Mrs. Kinney's 2017-2018 class!