Department of Art presents:

2020 Visual Art
Senior Exhibition

Digital Showcase

Welcome to the University of Lynchburg's 2020 Visual Art Senior Exhibition! As the current conditions of the world pandemic have caused us to move to an online teaching format for the spring semester, so has our senior showcase exhibition.

During this time we are especially appreciative of the arts as a venue to bring people together. The senior exhibition is a chance for students to showcase projects they have been working on all semester or year, a culmination of their studies to create a self directed body of work. While we are feeling especially distant at this time, and are missing the opportunity to have a live show on campus that "physically" brings us together, we hope that the artwork itself allows us to connect with each other as it points to our human commonalities.

The faculty at the University of Lynchburg are incredibly proud of the work that students created under such circumstances, as they persisted to translate their art practices and studios home. Thank you for taking the time to visit this exhibition!

Professor Chelsea Tinklenberg (Studio)
Professor Ursula Bryant (Graphic Design)