for the March 4, 2025 San Mateo County Special Election

Unbiased Information on Measure A       

The LWV Pros & Cons is a nonpartisan explanation of ballot propositions, including supporting and opposing arguments. The material comes from many sources and is not limited to that presented in the Official Voter Information Guide.

Pros & Cons Presentation on Measure A 

The League of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo County hosted a Pros & Cons presentation on Measure A on Thursday, Feb 6, 2025.

Pros & Cons Presentation on Measure A - in Person

LWVNCSMC has been invited to present Pros & Cons at the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company.

“Brews & Views” is a popular community education series, moderated by brewery owner Lenny Mendonca.

Half Moon Bay Brewing Company - Brews & Views

Thursday, February 13, from 5:30 to 7:30pm

390 Capistrano Road, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

Additional Information