Design Drawing

Why Design Drawing?

  • Drawing allows us to take the ideas in our head and put them down on paper where we can explore them more thoroughly.

  • We can use drawing to quickly come up with as many solutions to a design challenge as we can (a process known as ideation).

  • Design drawings is one of the quickest ways to explain our design concepts to peers, instructors, users, and clients. 3D models may provide visual accuracy but they can take a long time.

What it is.

  • Drawings that visually communicate our ideas

  • Sketches that show our thought process

  • Sketches that range from sketchy and unfinished to more refined and deliberate

What is it not.

In this class, drawing is a tool we use during our design process. With this in mind, here are two things that we must keep in mind:

  • Drawings do not need to be highly rendered and "perfect".

  • Certain types of drawings can feel "unfinished" and "sketchy". That's okay.

Just remember that everyone is coming into drawing with different levels of experience. Design drawing is not always about how realistic or cool something looks. It's about how well you communicate your idea.

Sometimes being able to get your idea across clearly with a few strokes of your pen is 1000% better than sitting and spending hours trying to make your drawing look perfect.

With that being said, there are proper forms and techniques we must practice and the more you practice these techniques, the nicer your drawings will be.

Hooray for practice!

Goal for this Module:

Learn how to visually communicate using Design Drawing.

By the end of this module, you will learn how to build and construct objects on paper. We will be drawing a lunch box, tray, or container for your favorite lunch time food. Like this


To This


21-22 Tech Arts - Design & Tech