Mrs. Treadaway's

Second Grade Class

Welcome to Mrs. Treadaway's 2nd grade!

Important Upcoming Dates/ Reminders:

CULTURE SHARE in classroom 8:30-9:00 : Wednesday December 11th.

GARDEN LESSON @ garden: 9:00-9:30 : Wednesday December 18th. Parent Volunteers NEEDED!


STREGA NONA PASTA PARTY: Friday, December 20th from 11:15-12:30.

WINTER BREAK: December 21st-Jan 5th. See you all back on Monday January 6th!

This Week: 12/09-12/13

Being a Reader:

  • Word Study: Students will continue to work with alphabetizing .During a whole class sort on Day 1, they put a word list in alphabetical order, and learn to use the second letter to alphabetize when they come to words that begin with the same first letter. On Day 2, they practice alphabetizing the same word list in pairs. On Day 3, the students use guide words to find words in a dictionary. On Day 4, the students learn the procedure for independent spelling practice.
  • Spelling Words: because, where, were, does, friend, from. Bonus word * Dogzilla
  • Independent work : Word Work: (Word Sorts, Word Scramble, Build a Word, and Word Games) Reading Center: Read to Self, Read with Someone, Epic Books. Computers: My Lexia. Writing Center: Free write in journals or finish unfinished writing lessons.
  • Making Meaning : Students visulalize to make sense of text. Students make inferences to understand characters' motivations and actions. Students answer questions to understand key details and important ideas in a story. Students explore a story's structure, including character and plot.
  • Words Taught: stuff, tourist, collect, sniffle. Words Reviewed: expert, fade, flap, routine, vanish
  • Being a Writer: Students read, discuss, and write fiction. Students choose writing topics. Students think and talk about story ideas before they write. Students reread their writing and tell more and students explore and punctuate dialogue.
  • Story: Dogzilla, Honk!,Brave Charlotte, along with reviewing four other stories already introduced earlier in the year!
  • Math: Chapter 4 : Two Digit Addition


  • Social Studies: Ancestory Unit and Week 10: Where is U.S.?

Homework Information:

  • Your child has a homework assignment book (Reminder Binder) that needs to be filled in daily, signed by you, and returned to school each day. Please initial or sign next to your child's entry and under the section where they have written in the book title they have read for the day. Your initials and signature shows me that you have read the entry, checked your child's homework, it is correct, and confirmimg your child has read for at least 20 minutes every night.
  • Second Grade has done a lot of research on homework in primary grades. We find that too much homework in these grades is not beneficial to the student. Everyday, your child will be responsible for reading 20 minutes. One-three days a week, your child will bring home a review page from their math book. We will start the page in class, and any problems in class not completed will then be homework. Also, your child may be bringing home any unfinished work they do not complete in the time allotted. Any homework or unfinished work will be due the following day.
  • If you feel your child needs more support/ challenge: Please see my links to access computer based programs for math and reading skills practice through my Links page.
  • PLEASE NOTE! Lexia , Prodigy, Epic Books, and Xtra Math should be accessed through Google to be free if you are using an I-Pad. You should not have to pay for any of these programs if you access through Google. An extension of Prodigy can be paid if wanted/needed.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs. Treadaway