Hola y bienvenidos

Mrs. Pine

Google classroom codes:

Period 1:  mer4e2n

Period 2: zvmdb7z

Period 3: 74glr4y

Period 4: rsfp4ae

Period 5: gzsyref

Period 6: oiddfiq

Spanish 1A and 1B

Room E101

I always encourage students to ask for help whenever needed ( THE SOONER, THE BETTER) Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at mcanetepine@lvusd.org

Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol

A C Stelle Middle School offers Spanish 1A & 1 B (a college preparatory course)  to motivated students. This  two year program is  highly academic and equivalent to Spanish 1 at high-school level. If a student successfully completes the two years of study in middle school with a "C" grade or better, he/she may take Spanish 2 in the ninth grade.

Seventh grade students take Spanish 1A and eighth grade students take Spanish 1B. Students need to maintain a C or better in order to stay enrolled in the class. There are no extra credit assignments offered as their grade must reflect their academic ability necessary for high school level achievement.

Students will participate in activities, games, role-plays, competitions, songs, videos, projects, crafts and traditional foods,  that will  encourage them to develop and use their Spanish language skills in class and at home. By the end of this program, students will be able to apply the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in order to communicate effectively in a real-life context.

The Spanish Curriculum is based on the Standards for World Language Learning:

Standard 1:  Communication: Communicate in languages other than English

Standard 2:  Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures

Standard 3:  Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information

Standard 4:  Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture

Standard 5:  Communities: Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

TEXTBOOK : Senderos (online)

Grades may be viewed online  at aeries.net.

When students are absent, it is their responsibility to ask for any make-up work and/or handouts that may have been distributed while they are out. Contact the teacher through email (mcanetepine@lvusd.org) in order to request the agenda of the day/s the student was absent.


  4. 8 1/2 x 11 inch white wide-lined loose-leaf notebook paper.

  5. Spanish binder or folder with dividers. ( it is recommended a 3-ring binder divided into sections: Pre-calentamientos (warm-ups), diarios (diaries), apuntes (notes)/practices.

6. Colored pencils/markers/sharpies (for projects)