Mrs. Servin-West's Class


Welcome to Mrs. Servin-West's class website! In the area below you can find general information about my classroom rules,  policies, and contact information. Please check google classroom for homework assignments and announcements.

Contact Information



Office Hours: 

Classroom Rules

1.    Be respectful towards others, the school, and other’s property. Follow school rules at all times.

2.    Be prepared and on time for class with all materials, homework, and your planner.

3.    Get permission. Raise your hand before speaking, wait to use lab materials until instructed to do so, and leave electronic devices in your backpacks unless instructed otherwise.

4.    Follow lab safety rules.  Pay attention to your surroundings and ensure the safety of yourself and others. Backpacks must remain under tables at all times. Remember, no food, drinks, or make-up in the labs.

5.    Make good choices! You are responsible for your own learning and the relationships you build with others in school. Think before you act and make choices you can be proud of!

Bring the "Wright" stuff to class!

Suggested Materials:

Class Policies


Grades are weighted based on specific categories for each class. I do not round grades and I do not provide individualized extra credit assignments. If you would like to raise your grade in my class, remember that you can revise assignments, turn in missing work, or retake tests.

Revising Your Work

My goal is for you to master the material in this course. If you receive feedback on an project that suggests that you did not meet the learning requirements, you can update and resubmit the assignment.  The revised project will be regraded, but the maximum score you can earn on a revised assignment is 80%. Please schedule a meeting with me if you are unsure how to respond to feedback. 


If you feel sick stay home! However, all other absences should be avoided whenever possible. If you are not in class you are missing out on valuable learning experiences!  Furthermore, assignments missed due to unexcused absences can only be turned in for late credit.

You can find all the work you missed on google classroom. You are responsible for checking google classroom and completing missed assignments when you are absent. In order to receive full credit for a missing assignment, the assignment must properly labeled and turned in to the absent work folder in class. If you are submitting a google classroom assignment late, you must include a private comment letting me know that the assignment is late due to an excused absence. The due date for absent work is extended by the same number of days as you were absent from class.

Late Work

Turning in work on time is an important skill that will help you be successful in school and in work. I expect work to be turned in on time. However, my goal is for you to learn the material. I will accept late work up until the end of the 5 week grading period. Points will be deducted from any assignment turned in late. I will not remind you to turn in missing work and excessive missing late assignments will negatively impact your final grade in class. Late work must be submitted on google classroom or properly labeled and tuned in to the late work folder in class, or turned in at lunch. If you are submitting a google classroom assignment late, you must include a private comment so I know to go back and regrade that assignment. I will not grade late assignments that are not properly submitted.


Technology allows us to do incredible things, but it also allows for incredible distractions! Please remain on task while using laptops. You should not be messaging friends, gaming, checking social media, or sending emails unrelated to the current activity. Cell phones and smart devices, such as an apple watch, should be turned off and stored in your backpack during class. You are NEVER allowed to use your laptop/phone to take pictures or videos of other students in class.

Class Donations

I keep a bookcase full of materials for students to use on projects. I would love your help keeping the student bookcase supplied so that all students can access a variety of materials. Any of the following donations would be greatly appreciated:

Remember Wednesday is the first day of school!