Gifted & Talented

G&T Presentation

Advisor: Mrs. Christopher

Description: Gifted and Talented is an extracurricular program that meets once a month. G&T offers teacher selected students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of presentations and workshops that they may not encounter in their everyday schedules and curriculum. Students are selected and voted in by their Freshman teachers for being academically gifted or talented in the arts. They complete an application process and then are eligible to attend all of the programs offered starting their sophomore year. Some of the programs offered to G&T students consist of musical performances, dance workshops, culinary workshops, Science & Medical presentations, Animal Rescue Shows, College & Scholarship opportunities, Author presentations, art related workshops, and more. In addition, many Gifted and Talented students are selected to attend the annual Sussex County Teen Arts Festival where they display their artwork or perform in theater, music, or dance. Senior G&T students have the opportunity to attend the bi-annual Dodge Poetry Festival as well.

Website: Click Here!

Typical Meeting Times: During School Hours as it is part of our curriculum

Sign Up: Students are nominated by their teachers