German Folk Club

GFC Slideshow 2020

Advisor: Mrs. Chretien

Description: Guten tag! Do you want to join a club that embraces German culture and tradition along with lots of yummy food at every meeting? The German folk club incorporates all these factors along with dancing, singing, and tons of fun. Every year the GFC performs at the Sparta Christmas Market. The GFC also has club movie nights and escape room activities. You do not need to take a German class or speak the language to join this club, everyone is welcome. We hope to see you soon! Va hoffe dass ich sehen später!

Typical Meeting Times: Currently we have online meetings once a week at 2:30 on google meet. In normal times, not during COVID, meetings are after 6:00 p.m. and include dancing and other fun activities.

Sign Up: To join the German Folk Club email the club advisor at