Accessibility Policy Development

A district accessibility policy is currently being developed (August 2018)

Issues to consider:

  • Who should be the district accessibility / 504 contact person listed on the website accessibility page and reporting issue form?
  • Who is responsible for updating training information?
  • What about training and upkeep for individual teacher websites?
  • Can we add Skip Navigation coding to the new Google Sites?
  • Who should collect and share accessibility tools for teachers and staff?

Recommendations for future:

  • Work to correct color contrast issues
  • Make sure videos used in classroom have closed captioning capability (feature length and shorter clips)
  • Provide closed captioning and transcripts for videos added to the district YouTube Channel
  • Provide information in both Word/Google Doc and PDF versions (such as LHS summer work). This will also help with translation of information also.
  • Look into providing tagged versions of PDF documents (such as forms)
  • Schedule regular website audits using an accessibility tool such as Webaim's WAVE