
Starting in grade 3, students will participate in the Fitnessgram Assessments twice per school year in an effort to measure and improve overall personal fitness levels.

Abdominal Strength and Endurance

Method - Curl Up

Weak abdominal muscles can promote problems related to misalignment of the spine and add strain to the lower back. Studies have shown that improvement of abdominal strength and endurance can prevent and decrease incidence and severity of pain. The objective is to do as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 75 at a specified pace. The curl-up with flexed knees and feet un-anchored is used with a marker for hand reach at sides. This is to: decrease sacral vertebrae movement; minimize hip flexor use; increase the activation of the external and internal obliques, as well as the transverse abdominal; and maximize the activation of the lower and upper rectus abdominal relative to disc compression. To be in the Healthy Fitness Zone, students should reach the standard listed on the chart below.

Upper Body Strength and Endurance

Method - 90° Push-Up

Upper body strength is important for individuals to perform many daily task and chores. In emergencies, upper body strength can make the difference between serious injury and escaping harm. The objective is to do as many 90° push-ups as possible at a rhythmic pace. Students assume prone potion with hands under or slightly wider than shoulders, legs straight and slightly apart, and toes tucked under. The back is kept straight throughout the test as the student pushes up off the mat to straight arm height, and then continues by lowering to 90° (upper arm parallel to floor) and raising to straight arm height. This continues until rhythm is broken, body position is lost, or full extension or 90° flex do not occur. Students may have one form error, and stop on the second. To be in the Healthy Fitness Zone students should reach the standard listed on the chart below .


Method - Back Saver Sit and Reach

Most Americans will at one time or another encounter back problems. About 80% of these are due to weak and/or tense muscles. Physical inactivity can contribute to loss of flexibility. This supports the value of stretching to prevent the development of lower back problems. The objective is to assess hamstring flexibility on the right and left sides of the body. This is done by a seated stretch over an extended leg, measuring reach in inches on a measurement strip. To be in the Healthy Fitness Zone, the student should reach the standard on both the right and left sides listed on the chart below.

Cardio-Respiratory Endurance / Aerobic Capacity

Method - Pacer

Why? Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the greatest single cause of death in the US. Risk factors are associated with sedentary lifestylesalong with stress, smoking, consumption of fat, and heredity. Research shows that regular physical activity at determined levels of intensity can reduce risk factors of CHD. The objective is to run back and forth across a 20 meter space at a specified pace that gets faster each minute. The test is progressive in intensity and continues until students are unable to keep pace. One error is allowed. To be in the Healthy Fitness Zone, the student should reach the standard listed on the chart below.

Fitnessgram Standards for Healthy Fitness Zones