Safety Tips

Keep Contact Information Updated

Please notify your child's campus office staff with any changes in address, home phone number, cell phone and office numbers. We want to keep our parents informed of any emergency situations.

Tips for Visiting Campuses

There are specific actions parents, guardians and other loved ones can take to be part of a safe and secure school environment. Please help keep your campus safe by doing the following:

How to React in Emergencies

If your child's campus enters into an emergency situation, expect communication from your school or the district as soon as facts have been confirmed. As you briefly wait for information, please keep the following in mind:

Responding to Strangers

Strangers are a very important issue for parents to speak about with their children and should not be taken lightly. Please take this opportunity to talk to your children about how to handle interactions with people they do not know. Below are a few things to remind your children about.

Parents should always report these types of incidents to the proper authorities immediately.