Contact Ms. Dodson

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Important Links

Grading Policies, Extra Credit, & Tutorials

Grading Policies

My grading policy follows our district guidelines as outlined in the student handbook. Additionally I allow for, XYZ in the case of ABC. List or link the grading policy and any campus/classroom additionals/exceptions.

Extra Credit Opportunities

Extra credit opportunities stand for all students for fill in the blank. Attach generic extra credit opportunities.


Tutoring is available from ____ to ____ on the following days. For additional tutoring sessions, you may contact me directly.

Grading Policies

My grading policy follows our district guidelines as outlined in the student handbook.


Tutoring is available from 7:30 - 8:00 am Tuesday - Thursday or 4:00 - 5:00 pm Wednesday or Thursday.

For additional tutoring sessions, you may contact me directly.