Robert Roberson: Guitar, hacking, skating, and cooking are a few of the talents of the miraculous Mr Roberson. He began hacking at a young age, tinkering with the inner workings of the technological system. He started off with the infamous Nintendo Wii. He began by just trying basic nintendo devices and now he has gotten to the point where he can jailbreak a nintendo switch, ps5, xbox 360 and many more. This has saved a man thousands of dollars by interfering with these devices, and getting games that not only would be impossible to obtain for these devices but as well games that are in the 100’s of dollars are able to be obtained for free. Through hacking, he has also enabled himself full and total customization with these devices, being able to utilize them in various ways which would never be thought of, such as using a nintendo switch as a linux server, or using a 3ds to access windows xp.

Besides his skill in the technological field he is also very musically talented. His exemplary skill with guitar has been honed over a period of years, spanning from 2018 to now. In this time he has mastered many techniques and employed various stratagems in order to tackle on the most ambitious of song ideas, which usually have much to do with the philosophical ruminations that dwell within Robert's mind. Music will allow him to play and constantly improve while having an outlet that not only allows the creative expression of music but also forces oneself to practice and get better simply off your own accord which also can help the work ethic of these musicians.

Skating is a useful mode of transportation and it is a great stress reliever. Did you have a bad day at school? Well this skill allows you to focus all your time on effort on landing the same trick which after falling and failing countless times, when you finally land the desired trich the feeling is like no other.

About the Author

Hello my name is Joel Prindel and this is my 6th year at DTSMA. The school has its pros and cons but one thing i like about this school is the way it is a very modernized school that seems to have increasingly new technology. I'm not in any school clubs but I have been going to gladiators academy MMA school for nearly 11 years now. My main interest this year is the fact that I am a junior which has allowed me to gain more freedom with the introduction of cars to me and my friend group. Some of my hobbies include skateboarding, urban exploration, writing bars, and producing songs. I'm an easy to talk to person and I feel relatively chill but many people seem intimidated to talk to me for an unknown reason.