Ms. Price's Course Information

Welcome to my class!  I look forward to working with you this year and hope you find this website helpful.   I provide students with a Google Classroom to access our weekly agendas.

Contact Information:  

Office Hours: 


Why I Teach:

I aim to serve as a  trusted and supportive adult for our students.  Every day is an opportunity to ease someone's burden.

Additionally, I teach because I love a good story, and history is fascinating.  I aspire to make history accessible for my students and help them understand their place in the story.

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences 2024:

Click here to sign up.

“Success is no accident.  It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, loving what you are doing or learning to do.”  Pele 

"Don't worry about failure.  Worry about the chance you miss when you don't even try."  Sherman Finesilver