Tyler Munro

Math Teacher -- Heritage High School

Hello! My name is Tyler Munro and this will be my second year at Heritage, but my 21st as a high school math teacher. In addition to being a teacher here, I'm also the Head Baseball Coach; my 16th year as a head baseball coach. Over the years I've taught Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trig, Trig-Precalculus, Calculus, Discrete Math & Stats. I'm excited to be teaching Algebra 1, Honors Algebra 2 and Trig/Precalculs this year. Hoping that your child's experience will not only be challenging, but a fun enough experience that they look forward to taking math again!

Teaching and coaching baseball takes about 60-hrs a week of my time, so when I do finally get home, I primarily hang-out with my lovely wife and kids. My wife is an optometrist nearby; she owns the two Target optometry practices in Highlands Ranch & Lone Tree. We've been together now for 29-yrs. and have three kids, Cole (14), Bella (9) and Paisley (6). Cole's into football, drums, piano and hopes to be involved in each at Mountain Vista HS. Bella loves to dance, gymnastics and also does poms. Paisley has special needs and seems to thoroughly enjoy destroying whatever she can get her hands on!

If you'd like to reach me, my off-periods are 3rd/7th periods. During that time, you can reach me in the math department office at (303) 347-7607 or email me at tmunro@lps.k12.co.us. Please understand that I have baseball most days before and after school, so reaching me during school hours is probably your best bet.

Mr. Munro's 2018-2019 Rules, Expectations & Schedule-

Required Materials:

TI-83 Calculator, Math ONLY Notebook, Pencil, Grading Pen, Graphing Paper

Class Expectations:

1. Always follow the Golden Rule

2. Have your supplies each day at school

3. Be ready to show your homework first thing each period

4. Show all work – NO WORK, NO CREDIT

5. “Personal business” – 4 Free Passes per semester (unused passes receive extra credit)

6. Cell phone out of sight and on silent

7. When I’m talking you’re listening

8. Seek help when needed

9. If you miss class, it’s your responsibility to find out what you missed

10. If you have a problem with me, please talk to me about it – don’t let things build-up

Grading: Weighted Grading

10% Homework/Classwork

70% Chapter Exams

20% Semester Final






*Any student caught cheating on an assessment will receive a zero on the assignment. If it’s a homework assignment, they will have the opportunity to remake the assignment for half credit.


Homework will be given 3-4 times a week and is due FIRST thing at the start of the next class. You must copy down the question (except if it’s a graph or table) and you must show each step (work). This includes online assignments. As long as we’re still in the chapter, late work will be accepted for half credit.

Make-up Policy:

Students will be allowed to make-up work for absences. They will be given two days for every day absent. If a student misses a class, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what they missed.

Teacher Availability:

My planning periods are 3rd/7th periods