Family Liaison


Cass Huffman

I'm glad to be able to support Ford families who are non-native English speaking. Whether it's helping families to understand school expectations, schedules, communications home or school-spirit days, I am here to help families navigate a school system that is new to them. Additionally, if there are needs outside of school that impact our students, I can assist families with resources.  I support families, teachers and staff to work toward student success together.  My goal is for English-learning students to be as successful as possible!

Born and raised in Colorado Springs, I've studied around the globe and lived "abroad" in Southern California, Osaka, Japan and Mainz, Germany- where I was also a parent of elementary-aged children. The joys and difficulties of understanding language and culture have deeply shaped who I am. So have the food, festivals and friends I have enjoyed far from home. 

My educational and work background related to the family liaison roll include a BA in Spanish from Pepperdine University, teaching high school Spanish & middle school English Language Development, & a masters in community counseling from Denver Seminary.

 In addition to loving experiencing new cultures and foods at home and away, being outside- mountains, sea and in-between,  brings me joy and peace. When I'm alone, I love to read, cook and play logic games.  Most of all, I love to be with my husband and three kids (13, 11, 7 years old).