Lake Pend Oreille School District Operational Plan 2022-2023

For open communication to families about the upcoming school year, we have put together this Operations Plan website to clearly communicate what you can expect for the coming school year.

LPOSD will review the Operation Plan approximately every 6 months through August 2023. This plan was developed with meaningful stakeholder input and we will continue to gather input periodically.


  1. Completed 98% of upgrading restrooms with touch free components.

  2. All schools have touch-less water bottle filling stations.

  3. Maintaining extra custodial services for heightened sanitization each night.

  4. In process of improving ventilation in District facilities.

CDC Link


  1. Enhanced routes for 2022-2023 school year.

  2. High school and middle school students will ride together in the afternoon.

  3. Hand sanitization stations will be on busses.

  4. Busses disinfected twice per day (between routes).

  5. Specific bus route information will be communicated from the transportation department to families.

Food Service

School Year 2022/2023 (SSO federal grant)

  • Free breakfast & free lunch for all district students with the exception of CFHS. CFHS will have free lunch for all students. Principal surveyed students and there was not enough interest at this time to provide a breakfast program. We can revisit this if there is a future need.

  • No income requirements for this grant. All students eat for free regardless of household size or income.

  • Meal service will return to in-person cafeteria settings in all school locations with the exception of breakfast, which may be in the classroom at some elementary locations.

School Year 2021/22 (CACFP federal grant)

  • Free supper provided to all 21st Century program participants at Southside, Kootenai & Farmin.

Teaching & Learning

  1. LPOSD is maintaining increased certified staffing for the 2021-22 school year.

  2. Increased paraprofessional support in the classroom in order to provide small group interventions and/or extensions.

  3. Strategic schedules to support students. Additional intervention classes at the secondary level.

  4. Review and implement additional academic and behavioral multi-tiered support systems (MTSS) including academic support, reteaching of classroom procedures, and promoting positive school climates.

  5. Maintain elementary counseling.

  6. High collaboration - PLC teams in all buildings.

  7. 90 minutes of math instruction and 120 minutes of ELA instruction per day at Elementary schools.

  8. Specific information about school procedures, classroom, and teachers will come directly from the students assigned school.

Social/Emotional Learning

Student’s social, emotional, mental health, and other needs:

  1. Elementary counseling services will be maintained.

  2. Contract with outside mental health agency to provide in-district counseling sessions.

  3. Return to student activities, field trips, after-school programs, and opportunities for students to socialize.

  4. Continue free meals for all students.

Staff’s social, emotional, mental health, and other needs:

  1. Provide training and time for staff to collaborate in professional learning communities.

  2. Continue the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) when outside counseling is needed.

  3. Increase prep time for elementary teachers.

  4. Provide more paraprofessional support to address student learning loss in the classroom.

  5. Analysis of classified pay scale for competitiveness.

  6. Enhance training in infectious disease protocols.

  7. Enhance air quality/ventilation in facilities.

  8. Touch free hand washing stations.

  9. Continue increased custodial staff and heightened sanitation in buildings.

COVID Guidelines

COVID School Guideline Timeline (1/2022)

Diagnostic and Screening testing will be the responsibility of individual families. We recommend organizations such as Kaniksu Health Services or Panhandle Health District .

  • Masks will be optional for students and staff in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. When transmission of Covid is high in our community, the option of wearing a mask is recommended. If you choose to wear a mask, here is the proper way. CDC Link

  • We will rely on parents to screen students for potential COVID symptoms on a daily basis.

  • Vaccines are available at the following locations:

    • Sandpoint Super Drug - 208.263.1408

    • Walmart Pharmacy - 208.265.4490

    • White Cross Pharmacy - 208.263.9080 - by appointment

    • Panhandle Health District - Appointments available online at Panhandle Health District

  • Accommodations will be provided for students with disabilities in their Individual Education Plan (IEP/504).

  • Any student who tests positive will need to self isolate for 5 days

  • Quarantine guidelines will be updated in August. Students who have been in close contact should be watched closely for symptoms.

  • It is imperative that parents keep students home who are not feeling well or have had potential exposure.

  • We will continue to follow hand washing and respiratory etiquette.

LPOSD's infectious and contagious disease policy link (3520)

** Any changes to our plan will be communicated through LPOSD's website and direct communication to families. Operational Plan is subject to change.