
All Service Learning students will be developing and executing community-based Service Learning Projects this year and presenting these at:

1. The student workshops/presentations to your peers as a part of this year’s Solidarity Project April 1, and

2. To your Community Partner at the Community Partner Lunch in May 2019.

These projects will be developed to either respond to specific requests from your community partner, and/or bring awareness about the social issues that your community partner is engaged with to the Loyola Academy community. (See the 7 types of projects below).

It is expected that all projects use some form of technology as a pivotal part of your project; consequently, Loyola Academy will be offering 3 tech paths in 3rd Quarter to assist you as you execute your projects on behalf of your Community Partner. This project will have three distinct phases corresponding to quarters 2-4. These 3 phases are: Phase One, Phase Two, & Phase Three: