Nature Journaling with Amy


Why Nature Journaling?

Nature journaling combines art, science, and writing to connect people more deeply with nature. Most everyone can enjoy and benefit from nature journaling, no matter their background or experience. The process is more important than the final product, and journals may be messy and far from perfect. Nature journaling is a sometimes meditative, almost always curiosity-sparking wander through nature. 

Spending time in green spaces has been shown to have positive effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. Scientific evidence shows that active learning through nature journaling can change the brain and boost intelligence… at any age. 

In addition to honing your awareness so you notice more, nature journaling is restorative, creative, deepens learning to help you remember more, and provides a structure to slow down and transition from doing to being.

Perhaps because of my background in biology, I used to think that nature journaling was simply sitting down and writing stuff in a book and making detailed, realistic drawings. There is so much more to it than that! And, it is so much simpler! It is accessible to anyone, even with no prior knowledge of science

Teacher Immersion

Half-day class for teachers, designed to add skills to their own nature journal teaching toolbox 


One-hour program introducing kids to nature journaling -or-

On-going program (weekly or monthly) further developing kids’ nature journaling skills


Two-hour program introducing adults to nature journaling or further honing their skills 

Nature Journal Club

All-ages program to introduce or to advance skills in nature journaling; great for a multi-age group 

 About Me

I discovered the joy of nature journaling over eight years ago while homeschooling my kids. Since then, I have taught nature journaling to children of all ages, some of whom call themselves adults. I firmly believe nature journaling is something that most everyone can enjoy and benefit from doing, no matter their background or experience. When not teaching nature journaling, I spend my time going on adventures with my family and messing about in boats.