Luther Elementary

Virtual Counseling Center

Hi Luther Cubs!

Welcome back to school! We are excited to get the new year started with you!

This website has variety of resources for you. As more information becomes available we will be adding them to this website. So please keep checking back as the school year goes on.  

Mrs. Pfister & Mr. Mora, your Luther School Counselors

Luther Elementary: (530) 695-5450

Mr. Mora 


(530) 649-4999

Mrs. Pfister


Trait of the Month


Definition:          Is choosing what is helpful, right and kind. Even when it's scary .   

Quote:                 “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

                                                            ― Winston S. Churchill

Weekly Question:            Why is it important for us to practice courage?

Kelso's Choice Conflict Management Tool 

Kelso's Choice is a conflict management program is a powerful and timely tool to build a vital life skill for young people in today's world. The program philosophy is simple: 

Each Child is smart enough and strong enough to resolve conflict.  Please visit the following link to learn more about the great things your child will be learning with us.

Videos for Kids

Resources for Parents