Creative Solutions That Change The Way We Think

Personalized Professional Irrigation Service

lo·tic /ˈlōdik/ adjectiveECOLOGY

(of organisms or habitats) inhabiting or situated in rapidly moving fresh water

Service for irrigation, sprinkler systems, water features and ponds. Our Technicians will help your systems into a healthy state.

Lotic will connect the homeowner with the right professional to get the job done right. Our services are expanding and our expert crew is ready to help. Our 'new guy' is the next strong link.

Lotic provides accurate and knowledgeable irrigation system repair, maintenance, and installation in Fort Collins. We do outside water.... including: Sprinkler Blowouts, drip, sprinklers, Water features, Snow Removal, and snow plowing in Fort Collins. Patios and other hardscape elements available on certain requests.