Class Information

Parent Orientation Slides and Information

Higgins Williams Parent Orientation 2019

Year at a Glance

Expectations & Procedures

School Behavior Expectations

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Respect yourself and others.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Use appropriate language.

Grading policy

Purpose and Intent of Grading

A grade is defined as, “a number, letter, or symbol indicating a student's level of accomplishment.” Grades should reflect the achievement of students in the courses of study to which they are assigned. Grades are based on mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

Grading Categories

At Lorena Elementary School, grades are categorized as Major and Minor. Major grades are weighted 60% while Minor grades are weighted 40%. In some subjects, including science and social studies there is no weighting of grades. Language Arts is also different in that Grammar will count as 45% of the grade, Writing will count as 45% of the grade and spelling (all tests combined in the 9 weeks) will count for 10% of the Language Arts grade.

Minimum Number of Grades – per Nine Week Grading Period

Reading - 5 Daily Grades and 3 Tests/Projects/Papers

Math - 5 Daily Grades and 3 Tests/Projects/Papers

Social Studies - 4 Daily Grades and 1 Tests/Projects/Papers

Science - 6 Daily Grades and 2 Tests/Projects/Papers

Language Arts - 3 Grammar & 3 Writing Daily Grades / 1 Spelling Test

The expectation is that grades will be evenly distributed during the grading period in order that students and parents have a clear understanding of progress. That progress is especially important if the need arises for students to participate in academic intervention. Progress reports are distributed every 4 ½ weeks. During certain times of the school year, even distribution may not be possible during the 9 weeks as in cases of the STAAR 3-8 administrations, or at the beginning of the school year.

Grading Scale

Numeric grades are used in core subject areas. Satisfactory (S) or Needs Improvement (N) is used to designate characteristics of Personal Development.

90 - 100 = A

80 - 89 = B

75 - 79 = C

70 - 74 = D

69 or below = F

“I” Incomplete is not an academic grade but rather a symbol to indicate incomplete work. An “I” is only recorded when a student has not completed work in a grading period.
