Class Information

year at a glance

Daily's Six Weeks Grading Plan

Expectations & Procedures

Core Values:

Be On Time

Be Prepared

Be Respectful

Be a Lifelong Learner

Be On Time

A student is on time when they are inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings. The passing period is five minutes, and is ample time to get from class to class. Any student who walks in after the tardy bell will be marked ‘late’ in the official attendance log.

Be Prepared

A student is prepared when they bring all necessary materials with them to class, including a mind ready to learn. For this Social Studies class, required materials are as follows: spiral notebook, 1” binder, composition notebook, and writing utensils. If any extra materials are needed for a class, Coach Daily will send reminders through Remind.

Be Respectful

A student is respectful at all times in order to succeed in Coach Daily’s class. This includes, but is not limited to: raising a hand to speak, doing what is asked, working well with classmates, and using basic manners. Respect is a two way street- Coach Daily will always respect a student, and expects and requires the same respect back.

Be a Lifelong Learner

A student begins to be a lifelong learner when they open themselves up to new information at have a desire to better themselves through knowledge and education. Coach Daily expects to learn something new everyday, and will expect her students to do the same, and to be excited about new knowledge.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Coach Daily will contact parents if a student begins to fall behind or show concerning behavioral and/or educational shortcomings. Students are welcome to and expected to communicate with Coach Daily if they have questions about grades, assignments, or any other concerns regarding class. If that communication does not resolve the issue, parents are welcome to schedule a virtual conference with Coach Daily during her conference period or other times as available. Email is the best way to get in touch with Coach Daily-

Grading policy


A=90-100. B=80-89, C=75-79, D=70-74, F=69 and below.

A ‘1’ will be recorded to denote an ‘Incomplete’ grade. A student could be given an Incomplete for a variety of reasons- students should speak with Coach Daily to understand how to complete the assignment.

There will be extra credit opportunities throughout the year- these will be communicated by Coach Daily in class. No extra credit will be awarded in the last days of a grading period- if a student feels their grade is in danger, they should communicate with Coach Daily as early as possible to see what they can do to improve their scores.

Test Corrections will be available to every student after every test, excluding end of semester exams. Students have two full class days after they have received their graded tests to set up a time to do test corrections with Coach Daily.

Late Work:

According to the LMS Late Work Policy, late work will be accepted up to three days past the due date. Work is considered late when it is not turned in to the appropriate basket at the beginning of the class period on the due date. Assignments will be deducted 10 points for each day it is late, and will not be accepted and reported as a ‘0’ if not turned in by the last bell on the third day.

Coach Daily will work with all students to get missing work completed-through tutorials, before/after school conferences, or the Learning Cafe.

Missing Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to gather any work they miss while out of school. Their will always be a folder containing the previous days work on Coach Daily’s desk, but the student must take ownership of gathering that work for themselves. Students will get one day for each day they were absent to make up any missed work. Students will receive full credit for missed work that is turned in within the time frame given- anything turned in after that it subject to the late work policy mentioned above.


Plagiarism- the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

All students- in-person and remote- will be held to the same standards regarding academic integrity. There will be an increased use of technology in classes this year, but this does not mean there should be a decrease in authentic work. Students found to have plagiarised any aspects of their work will face disciplinary action, and the work that is found to be plagiarized will not be accepted as a grade and will be treated as Late Work until redone.

Any students who have been found to have cheated on any assignment will face disciplinary action and that work will not be accepted. The term “cheating” can encompass many behaviors, including but not limited to- copying another students work, completing a worksheet with other students that was not assigned as group work, and using the internet to find test answers. Coach Daily will determine other forms of cheating at her discretion.


Course Description:

This seventh grade Social Studies course is designed to be aligned with the Texas curriculum standards- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills- in the areas of History, Geography, Economics, Government, Citizenship, Culture, Science/Technology/Society, and Social Studies skills.

Instructional Goal:

To teach the students the things they need to learn in the way that they learn best and until they learn it fully while giving them the tools to begin to learn for themselves.