literacy highlights - 22/11/2020

22nd November 

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” - Stephen King

Dear colleagues,

It was fantastic to see Aden A (Lions) engage with the students in assembly and challenge them to think about becoming a more Eco friendly school.

He delivered a powerful message with confidence and we look forward to supporting him with the leadership of 'The Environmentalists' club. Please congratulate him for such a great launch and encourage students to sign up for this club.

As we move into the next two weeks it is essential that along with reading we continue to encourage, support and drive extended writing in all lessons. Thank you to those that have spoken to me already about this. It is wonderful to see the focus and determination of our students in developing their writing skills.

Please encourage students to:

  • use key terminology;

  • use labelled diagrams and images to support their writing;

  • highlight keywords when marking their work;

  • brainstorm ideas before completing extended writing tasks; and

  • improve or re-draft their extended writing in green pen.


All staff to submit 1-3 examples of extended writing work by Wednesday 2nd December to myself. This must be clearly labelled with the students name and submitted electronically. The intent is to share these examples electronically in the refectory for all students to see their outstanding work on display.

Let's not forget it is essential that we provide opportunities to develop writing skills along with their reading skills so that the students progress in all areas of literacy as they continue their journey.

Thank you for all your support, Mrs Kang.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8BJ

Tel: 0121 464 2837


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