Lopatcong Township School

Health and Physical Education

Ms. Steele


ext: 3302

1st - 4th grade

7th - 8th grade 

Health Education!

Dear Panthers,

I'm looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing.  Hoowah!

I have really missed you all and look forward to connecting with each of you.

 I will be inviting you to my google classroom. Please sign into that classroom. We will be using it for goal setting and assignments. . The code to your google classroom is listed below and those classrooms will be available September 7th!

See you soon, love, Ms. Steele

Kindergarten health - ymljvr4

1st  grade health - uhxayln

2nd grade health - 7ahdzte

3rd grade health - lnlj2du

4th grade health - y6xteop

7th grade health - nbv2ilq

8th grade health - ev4oztw