Social Emotional Learning

Monthly Themes

Each month this year, there will be a theme that coincides with the social and emotional curriculum used at Blueberry Hill School, Second Step.  Students across all grade levels will participate in weekly lessons to create a safer, more respectful learning environment that promotes school success for all. 

May: Looking In and Reaching Out

May’s monthly theme is Looking in and Reaching Out.  Students will have the opportunity to take on an issue that is important to them and as a class, do something about it by devising an action plan for solving one of the identified problems.

April: Friendship

April’s monthly theme is Friendship.  Lessons will focus on friendly behaviors during play, such as including others, good sportsmanship, and resolving conflict.

March: Mindfulness

March’s monthly theme is Mindfulness.  These lessons deviate somewhat from the Second Step curriculum. Students will get an introduction to what it means to be in the moment by practicing focused attention to our breath, movement, and our senses. 

February: Emotion Management

February’s monthly theme is Emotion Management.  Students will learn to identify and name strong feelings as they occur, including the signals their bodies are giving them, to better be able to interrupt escalating emotions. Calming strategies will be discussed and practiced, such as taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and using positive self-talk. 

December and January: Empathy

December and January’s monthly theme is Empathy, which is defined as being able to feel or understand what another person is feeling. Students will engage in lessons that help them identify emotions in themselves and others, labeling these emotions, and taking the perspective of others. Students will also get real life opportunities to practice empathy by learning about and assisting organizations that provide aid to our community neighbors. 

November: Problem-Solving

November’s monthly theme is Problem-Solving.  Students will learn the acronym STEP to better help them remember what to do when a problem arises: S- say the problem, T- think of solutions, E- explore the consequences (what could happen if….), and P- pick the best solution. It is always much easier to solve problems when we are feeling calm.

October: Anti-Bullying

October’s monthly theme is Anti-Bullying.  Students will learn how to recognize what bullying is and how it is different from mean behavior. They will also learn how to report bullying to a caring adult, how to refuse bullying, and how to be an upstander. 

November’s monthly theme is Problem-Solving.  Students will learn the acronym STEP to better help them remember what to do when a problem arises: S- say the problem, T- think of solutions, E- explore the consequences (what could happen if….), and P- pick the best solution. It is always much easier to solve problems when we are feeling calm.

September: Setting the Stage

September’s monthly theme is Setting the Stage and Skills for Learning. Teachers will spend time daily building community within their classrooms and around the building. Students will work together to develop ideas of what it means to be safe, respectful, and responsible inside and outside the school building. We are creating a set of expectations for our school. Students will also receive lessons about how to focus attention, listen, use self-talk, and be assertive.