Health Services

Health Services - For Families

The goal of school health services is to promote safety and remove or reduce barriers to learning. We know that students who are healthy learn more, and students who learn more are healthier. We want every student in the district to have a healthy and rewarding educational experience.

Health Services Provided

The Lomira School District has two school nurses. Please feel free to contact them with any questions or concerns.

Chelsea Feucht, BSN, RN - Lead District Nurse 

Phone: 920-269-4396 ext 117               Email:

Katie Breitlow, BSN, RN - District Nurse 

Phone: 920-269-4396 ext 117                           Email: 

Our school health room staff is trained in basic first aid and medication administration.

If an incident or injury is severe, a medical emergency response team (consisting of staff trained in CPR, first aid, and administration of emergency medication such as inhalers or EpiPens) will respond, and 911 will be called if needed. 

There are bleeding control kits and an AED in each school.

Certain health problems can be a barrier to optimal learning. In order to identify some of the more frequently occurring problems, our school district conducts the following screenings:

Vision Flyer.pdf


Dental Flyer.pdf


Hearing Flyer.pdf


School Illness and Injury Procedure 

It is recommended to have yearly scheduled checkups, often called well-child visits, as well as yearly dental and vision exams in order to keep a close eye on your child's health and development. Finding possible problems early gives your child the best chance for proper and successful treatment. Make sure to update the school nurse with any concerns or health issues.

It is important for us to have the following information current so we can best care for your child in case of an emergency:

• Parent/guardian contact information

• Emergency contacts

• Current health conditions

• Health care provider

If this information needs to be updated, please call your school secretary.

Helpful tips on health room procedure of injuries and illness.

Helpful tips on when your child should stay home from school. 

Medication Administration -Policy & Procedure

Chronic HeALth Conditions

Asthma, seizures, diabetes, severe allergies, insect sting allergies or any other health issue should be discussed with the district school nurse. Individual health plans (IHPs) to be used by our school can be found below: