K-12 Defense Resources

Grade Band Progression of Defense Expectations (2).pdf
Profile of Success Defense of Learning Materials-January 2023.pdf
Getting Started with Portfolios for Students (SpacesEDU).pdf
3rd Grade Rubric for Revision 2022.pdf

3rd Grade Rubric

K-3 Writing Assignment.pdf

K-3 Writing for Defenses

3rd DOL Framework.pdf

3rd Grade DOL Template Outline

3rd grade Protocol.pdf

3rd Grade DOL Panel Protocol

5th Grade Rubric for Revision 2022.pdf

5th Grade Rubric

5th Grade DOL Basic Template.pdf

5th Grade DOL Basic Presentation Template

5th Grade Competency Writing Piece.pdf

5th Writing for DOL

5th Grade Profile of Success- “Look Fors”.pdf

5th Grade DOL Look Fors Practice Document

8th Grade Defense Rubric For Revision 2022.pdf

8th Grade Rubric

LC 8th DOL template.pdf

8th Grade DOL Template Outline

8th Grade DOL Competency Writing Assignment.pdf

8th Grade Writing for DOL

8th Grade DOL Panel Protocol.pdf

8th Grade DOL Panel Protocol

High School Defense template '24.pdf

High School DOL Template

student portfolio workbook for graduation defense - 1.1.24.pdf

High School Portfolio and Defense Workbook