Fourth Grade Content

English Language Arts

  • Reading fluency/comprehension

  • Vocabulary

  • Grammar & DOL

  • Writing

  • Spelling

Accelerated Reader

AR is a high-impact tool used by teachers, students, and parents. Students are assigned a Trimester point goal, and a component of the Reading Comprehension grade is based upon meeting or exceeding this goal. AR books should be brought home and returned to school EVERY DAY. As reading for 20+ minutes nightly M-TH is required HW, students MUST bring library books home to complete this nightly assignment. In addition, they have frequent periods throughout the day during “early finisher” time to continue reading/quizzing.


  • Five-paragraph essays with a focus on adding details, making sentences more powerful, and editing.



Our class visits the Computer Lab weekly, on Fridays. We will also incorporate technology into some of our free time on select Fridays.


Concepts and studies will follow the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and will be taught through Mystery Science. I teach Science to both fourth grade classrooms and will be teaching two lessons to each class every week. Our units of study are The Human Machine, The Birth of Rocks, Waves of Sound, and Energizing Everything.

Social Studies

Social Studies topics covered in fourth grade focus on California throughout history, from the first arrival of people in the area to the Gold Rush to our role in the country today. Mrs. Boatenhamer teaches Social Studies to both fourth grade classrooms.


Students will receive Music instruction from Mrs. Myers every Wednesday. At the end of the year, students will also be given instruction in Art by a guest teacher. We will do art projects in class on a regular basis outside of that instruction.


Common Core State Standards - 4th Grade Math

Investigations Supplements for Home

Students will be focusing on:

  • Fluency in their math facts (multiplication and division)

  • Addition and subtraction within 10,000

  • Place value to millions

  • Fractions and decimals

  • Measurement, perimeter, area, and modeling with data

  • 2-D Geometry

  • Arithmetic patterns and rules

  • Problem-solving (word/"story" problems)


There are many ways to support your student in Math.

Nearly every day, students tear Math pages out of their books to take home with them. As we continue doing this each day, eventually (at the end of the year) their book will be empty. This is so students don't have to take a textbook home with them when they need to study. Over the course of a week or two, hold on to the pages your student brings home to review with them. We correct most things in class, but some pages are left blank for further practice at home. If you see your student has made a lot of corrections on their work in class, they likely need some additional support in that topic. Hopefully, they followed along in class and can show you the correct way to answer the problem. If not, search for the skill in Math Words & Ideas. From there, practice that skill every day. You can go to the Investigations website for more practice, use the practice pages sent home, copy down the questions your student missed to have them re-do those, or make your own questions on that same skill. Math tests often review topics covered in weeks prior as well, so reviewing previous tests can help too. When a Study Guide comes home on Thursday, look on the Pearson website for more practice on those specific skills, or go back to the pages your student brought home over the past few weeks for ideas of practice questions to pose.

For more information, read through the Family Letter below (in English and Spanish) for an overview of Investigations, including ways to support your child.

Investigations Parent Letter - Eng & Span

Click through the slideshow below for resources provided by Investigations.

Copy of Back to School Night Slide Show- 3

Link to Math Words & Ideas (MWI)

Videos on how to use Math Words & Ideas:

In English & Spanish

Outside of Investigations, you may want to support your child via:

  1. Flash Cards - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Flashcards can be purchased at Dollar Tree, Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc.

  2. Clever Apps - Reflex and XtraMath are programs designed to help students build fact fluency. Reflex uses games to make the practice engaging and fun!

  3. Schoolhouse Rock - Head to YouTube to check out the catchy songs made specifically for skip-counting and multiplication facts. You can also find these songs in CD, DVD, and MP3 format by visiting iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. if you want to take them on the go.

  4. Fact Strategy Posters to help solidify conceptual strategies for developing computational fluency. (see below)

  5. Number Rack Google Add-on. This is an electronic number rack that can be access through Google (Chrome is the best browser for compatibility). The number rack is a great tool to visually demonstrate combinations, especially addition and multiplication. Find the Number Rack Google Add-on at the following link:
