

Students will be accountable for attending school through distance learning beginning on March 30, 2020. During this time of learning from home, it is necessary for the district to account for student attendance. Families are asked to mark their student(s) as present or absent every day by 10:00 am. If you have multiple students, please repeat the process for each one. Student absences must provide a reason and will be deemed excused or unexcused as per attendance policy and procedure. If your student is present, they will be accountable for participating in instruction through Google Classroom or Classroom Dojo. Attendance secretaries will contact families whose students are not reporting regular attendance.

Attendance Procedures


Teachers will distribute a google form via email distribution. Please use the link provided to record attendance by 10:00 am daily.


Homeroom teachers will provide a google form in their google classroom. Please use the link to record attendance by 10:00 am daily.


The link to the google form will be on the Murray Avenue School webpage in the announcements section. Please use the link to record attendance by 10:00 am daily.


The link to the google form will be on the Lower Moreland High School webpage in the announcements section. Please use the link to record attendance by 10:00 am daily.