
Use the tips list below to help customize your child's schedule to help build routine and success.

Sample Kinder/1st grade schedule

Sample - K to 1st Grade Schedule

Sample Schedule

Sample - 2nd to 5th Grade Schedule


Sample - 6th Grade Schedule

Simple Handwritten Schedule

Learning at Home Schedule

Learning at Home Schedule

Schedule Template

Blank Schedule Template

Tips for creating schedules

  • Allow for child's input about what is important during the day.

  • Incorporate elements of learning which are different for each child based on grade/skill level.

    • Examples may include: Zoom with teacher, work on distance learning packet, reading, educational activity online, etc.

  • Incorporate breaks.

    • We all need breaks to get through the day and it’s important to schedule breaks into our routines so children know when to anticipate them.

  • Breaks can include fun activities, such as arts/crafts, technology time, playing outside, going on a walk, etc.Set reasonable blocks of time to complete activities.

    • How long is reasonable for breaks, lunch, movement breaks and other activities?

  • Stagger times when your child can be more independent vs. times when they may need your support.

  • Schedules can be more successful if activities that require higher levels of concentration (academics) or activities that are less preferred (chores) are followed by something that is more preferred (break, outside activity, game, social time/phone time with family or friends).

  • Are mornings hard? Is after lunch a time when your child is tired? Take these things into consideration when making a schedule.

  • At the end of the week consider what went well and what didn’t and use that information to adjust for the following week. Incorporate input from students if appropriate. Adjustments may include things like swapping when an activity occurs, increasing the amount of time for movement if getting through academics is more difficult.

  • Schedules don't need to be fancy! Whatever format works best for your family indicating the time and the activity can help build daily routines.