Tech FAQs

Where can I view student schedules, grades, and attendance?  

You can view student schedules, grades, and attendance on Powerschool.  Click the arrow on the image below to view the Powerschool Parent Brochure for more information.

*PS Brochure - PDF.pdf

Where can I view information about student's classes and assignments? 


Schoology is our the district's Learning Management System for secondary students. Each teacher’s Schoology course contains the following links. If you cannot locate something, reach out & ask:

Weekly Plan: access the weekly plan to view assignments and due dates

Welcome Folder: access the course syllabus, teacher contact information, etc.

Calendar: view important due dates

I lost my password.  How can I get help?

Your teachers and counselors can retrieve your network password. If you need to reset your Google password, submit a Helpdesk ticket via email ( or call (610-645-1899).


                       How do I access Google apps?

To access your Google Apps available in G Suite, click the square “waffle” icon at the top right and then select an icon from the app menu that expands →