PowerSchool for Parents


PowerSchool FAQs & UserGuide / PowerSchool 的常見問題

Below are answers to common questions about PowerSchool.


What is PowerSchool? / 甚麼是PowerSchool?

  • The "P" logo to the right will be used to indicate PowerSchool
  • 右方"P"的標誌將代表PowerSchool。

PowerSchool is an easy to use, all-in-one, web-based student information system (SIS) that allows students, teachers, and parents the ability to access student information, school announcements, your child's time table and attendance, homework, CCA registration and more from any Internet enabled device.

PowerSchool是一個容易使用,而多功能的網上學生資訊系統。這系統容許學生, 老師和家長查看學生資料, 學校通知及學校政策等等。

PowerSchool allows you to view all of your children's information using only one user account.

PowerSchool 可讓您使用單一帳戶來查看您所有子女的資料。

PowerSchool App / PowerSchool應用程式

To sign up for CCA/OES activities, click on Signups and follow the on screen instructions.


We do not use or support the use of the PowerSchool App.

The PowerSchool app does not support Chinese characters, has features we are not using at this time and does not support features we are using.

We ask parents to use the PowerSchool webpage to view the website: https://powerschool.isf.edu.hk



家長請使用網頁版PowerSchool: https://powerschool.isf.edu.hk

An Overview of Online Resources for Parents & Students / 概述家長及學生的網上資源

The presentation below is an overview of the online resources used at The ISF Academy and Preschool. It is not a complete list of the resources but it explains the most important tools and their purpose. They are:

  • PowerSchool
  • Moodle
  • LMS Google
  • The ISF Academy Mobile App

Below this presentation you can find additional information about PowerSchool.



  • PowerSchool
  • Moodle
  • LMS Google
  • The ISF Academy Mobile App


Start of Year Presentation for Parents

Logging into PowerSchool: Which User Account Do I Use? / What is my Family Account?

登入至PowerSchool: 我應該使用哪一個帳號?/ 我的Family Account是什麼?

All ISF parents are issued parent user accounts and a parent email address.

Your PowerSchool user account is the parent user account for your eldest child enrolled in The ISF at the start of the 16/17 school year.

Even if your eldest child has already left ISF, please continue using the same username/password. Your username for Powerschool never changes.

For example: The Lee family has 3 children:

  • Grade 12 Nicholas (graduated in 2017) - parent account: p0011111
  • Grade 8: Christina - parent account: p0022222
  • Grade 2: Coco - parent account: p0033333

The Lee family would use Nicholas' parent account, p0111111, to login to PowerSchool.



即使您的大孩子已經離開ISF,請繼續使用相同的用戶名/密碼。 您的Powerschool用戶名是永遠不會更改的


  • 十二年級 (已於2017年畢業):Nicholas -家長帳戶:p0011111
  • 八年級: Christina - 家長帳戶:p0022222
  • 二年級: Coco - 家長帳戶: p0033333

李氏家庭將會使用 Nicholas 的家長帳戶(p0011111)來登入PowerSchool。

What is My PowerSchool Password? /

我的PowerSchool 密碼是?

Your PowerSchool password will be emailed to you.

Your PowerSchool password is the same as the corresponding parent email password.



If you cannot find or did not get the email with your PowerSchool password please contact: itsupport@isf.edu.hk


Do I Need a Separate Account for Each of My Children? /


No. Your PowerSchool parent account links all your children's information to one parent account that allows you to view each child from that account.

For parents who are separated or divorced, an account can be created for each parent. This is only done under special conditions. Please contact PowerSchool support if this applies to you.

不用。您的PowerSchool 家長帳戶連繫閣下所有子女的資料至一個家長帳戶。您將可以透過同一個帳戶來查閱您所有在弘立書院就讀的子女資料。


Special Dismissal Instructions / 特殊接領放學安排指引

Purpose statement

Parents who need a special dismissal arrangement for their child(ren), either one-off or on a long-term basis, need to complete the relevant forms on this page. The ‘One Day Special Dismissal Form’ is for a one-off occasion such as playdate arrangement while the ‘Annual Special Dismissal Form’ is for a long-term arrangement such as carpool arrangement.


All special dismissal arrangements, e.g. carpooling vehicles or playdate arrangements, are entirely at the parents’ and/ or participants' own discretion and risk. The school is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with special dismissal arrangements, including but not limited to the health and safety issues of students, parents, helpers, drivers, any passengers, motor vehicle, or any property.





Click here for instructions on how to complete a One Day Special Dismissal

Click here for instructions on how to complete a Annual Special Dismissal

點擊此處獲取如何完成 單日特殊放學接領

點擊此處獲取如何完成 長期特殊放學接領

One Day Special Dismissal:

  1. Submits an application 24 hours in advance
  2. Parent completes the one-day special dismissal form
  3. Prints out the form
  4. Parent signs the form (electronic signature will not be accepted)
  5. Parent gives the completed form with parent signature to the student
  6. Student brings the completed form with parent signature to Primary/ Secondary office in the morning
  7. Primary/ Secondary officer calls parent for verification
  8. Student with pick up person go to Primary/ Secondary Office for the verified form, officer checks pick-up person’s ID, add office’s chop, keep a copy for office’s record
  9. Student with pick up person go through security booth with the form

Annual (Long Term) Special Dismissal Form

  1. Submits an application 7 days in advance (a week’s notice)
  2. Parent completes the annual (long term) special dismissal form
  3. Prints out the form
  4. Parent signs the form (electronic signature will not be accepted)
  5. Parent gives the completed form with parent signature to the student
  6. Student sends the form to the Primary/ Secondary Office in the morning
  7. Primary/ Secondary officer calls parent for verification
  8. The Primary/ Secondary Principal reviews the form
  9. The Primary/ Secondary Principal signs or rejects the application
  10. The Primary/ Secondary Admin
    • Returns a copy of the signed form to the parent
    • Files the original copy of the signed form in Primary/ Secondary Office
    • Checks a field in PowerSchool indicating the Divisional Principal has approved the application
    • Pass a copy of the signed form to FM
  11. FM updates the gate control system with the necessary information to support the Annual Special Dismissal


  1. 24小時前提交申請
  2. 家長填好單日特殊接領表格
  3. 打印表格
  4. 家長簽署表格(不接受電子簽署)
  5. 家長將已簽妥的表格交給學生
  6. 學生早上將已簽妥的表格交往小學/中學校務處
  7. 小學/中學校務處致電家長確認
  8. 學生及代接領者前往小學/中學校務處領取已確認的表格,校務處職員檢查接領者的證件,蓋上校務處印章,保留副本作辦公室紀錄
  9. 學生及接領者攜帶表格通過保安亭


  1. 7日前提交申請(一星期通知)
  2. 家長填好全年(長期)特殊接領表格
  3. 打印表格
  4. 家長簽署表格(不接受電子簽署)
  5. 家長將已簽妥的表格交給學生
  6. 學生早上將表格交往小學/中學校務處
  7. 小學/中學校務處致電家長確認
  8. 小學/中學校長覆核申請
  9. 小學/中學校長簽署或否決申請
  10. 小學/中學校務處職員
    • 將已簽署表格的副本交給家長
    • 將已簽署表格的正本存檔
    • 到PowerSchool系統上清楚註明小學/中學校長已批准該申請
    • 將已簽署表格的副本交給設施管理處
  11. 項目及設施管理處更新閘口管理系統,使系統可以配合全年特殊接領安排

CCA/OES Registration /


To view CCA activities you have registered with click on Signups.

Which Account Do I Use to Login to The Portal? /

我該使用哪一個帳戶來登入The Portal?

To login in to The Portal you need to use the parent accounts and passwords linked to each of your different children. For most ISF parents these are the accounts you have previously been using.

  • For example: The Lee family has 3 children, they would need to login to The Portal using any of their 3 parent accounts:
    • Grade 8: Nicholas - parent account: p0011111
    • Grade 5: Christina - parent account: p0022222
    • Grade Y2: Coco - parent account: p0033333
  • Contact The IT Department if you need help with your Portal user account: portaladmin@isf.edu.hk

您需要使用連接每名子女的用戶帳號及密碼以登入至The Portal。


  • 例子:李氏家庭有三個小孩,家長需要分別使用三個不同的帳戶來登入The Portal以查看不同子女的資料。
    • 八年級:Nicholas -家長帳戶:p0011111
    • 五年級: Christina - 家長帳戶:p0022222
    • 幼稚園二年級: Coco - 家長帳戶: p0033333
  • 如需任何有關Portal帳戶協助,請即聯絡IT部門:portaladmin@isf.edu.hk

Problems Logging into The Portal with Different Parent Accounts /

(this is for parents with more than one child)

Parents with more than one child may experience difficulties when trying to log in into The Portal with their second parent account.

This problem occurs because the Internet browser you are using remembers the last account you used to login making it difficult to switch accounts. Even if you logged out. There are two solutions to this problem.

The First Solution: Use Different Browsers

If you have multiple children the easiest solution is to use different browsers for each child. For example, use Google Chrome to login with parent account #1 and Firefox to login with parent account #2.

The Second Solution: Restart Your Browser

If you quite and restart your browser it will forget the last login you used. The steps for this are:

  1. Open the browser you want to use
  2. Log into PowerSchool
  3. For parent account #1
    1. Click on The Portal icon on Parent Resources
    2. Login to The Portal with parent account #1
    3. View the information you want to see
    4. Log out using the logout button located at the top right of the page
  4. Quit the browser
  5. Restart the browser
  6. Log into PowerSchool
  7. For parent account #2
    1. Click on The Portal icon on Parent Resources
    2. Login to The Portal with parent account #2
    3. View the information you want to see
    4. Log out using the logout button located at the top right of the page
  8. Quit the browser

Which Do I Use: The Portal or PowerSchool? /

我該使用哪個系統 : The Portal 還是 PowerSchool?

  • Use The Portal to view school records on your children that happened before June 2016.
  • Use PowerSchool to view school records on your children from the start of school August 2016.
  • Information will be migrated over to PowerSchool over the coming years but you will still be able to login to The Portal. (See "Which Account Do I Use to Login to The Portal?)
  • The Portal is still used for some services like the Parent/Teacher Appointment system and the uploading of support documents.
  • 請使用The Portal來查閱貴子女於2016年6月前的學校紀錄。
  • 請使用PowerSchool來查閱貴子女於2016年8月開學後的學校紀錄。
  • 貴子女的所有資料將會盡快轉移至PowerSchool,但您仍能夠登入The Portal。(請參閱"我該使用哪一個帳戶來登入The Portal?")
  • 將會繼續使用The Portal來 註冊家長/教師的預約系統及上載証明文件。

What is the Difference Between PowerSchool and The Portal? /

PowerSchool 和 The Portal 的分別?

  • Use PowerSchool to view up to-date information about your children. PowerSchool will have the current information about your children from August 2016.
  • Use The Portal (a link to The Portal is available once you login to PowerSchool) to view archived information about your children

PowerSchool is a modern, flexible online-service that will better support The ISF community's growing needs and expectations. PowerSchool has some features that are the same as The Portal, and PowerSchool has other features that are better.

  • PowerSchool lets you manage all your children from one account
  • PowerSchool supports Putonghua
  • You can view your child's time table
  • Improved homework viewing and parent resources
  • Access school documents
  • Can be viewed using any browser
  • Can be viewed on mobile devices
  • You will be able to update family records year round
  • View and update your children's medical information

  • 請使用 PowerSchool 來查看貴子女最更新的資料。PowerSchool 將會顯示貴子女由2016年8月後的最新資料。
  • 請使用 The Portal (當您登入PowerSchool後,您將會看到前往The Portal的超連結)來查看已存檔的貴子女資料

PowerSchool 是一個現代及靈活的網上服務,能更有效地支持ISF日益增長的需求和期望。PowerSchool 有一些功能與The Portal相同,但它也有一些比The Portal更好的功能。

  • PowerSchool 讓您只需使用一個帳戶便可處理閣下所有子女的資訊
  • PowerSchool 支援中文操作
  • 您可以查閱貴子女的時間表
  • 改善查看作業和家長資源
  • 參閱學校文件和資料
  • 支援使用任何瀏覽器
  • 可以使用手提電話查閱
  • 您可以隨時更新家庭紀錄
  • 查閱及更新貴子女的醫療紀錄

What Can I See on PowerSchool? /


What Can I See on PowerSchool?

  • Demographic data - phone numbers, address, identification details, medical and health
  • Teacher information
  • Student time table (schedule)
  • Homework
  • School Calendar
  • Circulars
  • Handbooks
  • Old school reports


  • 個人資料 - 電話號碼、住址、身份證資料、醫療及健康紀錄
  • 教師資料
  • 學生時間表(行程)
  • 作業
  • 校曆表
  • 通告
  • 手冊
  • 舊有的學校紀錄

What Won't I See on PowerSchool? /


What won't I see on PowerSchool?

  • Can I see a list of students in my child's class? Not at this time
  • Grades
  • Any data on your child before July 2016
  • Class materials
  • Homework alerts


  • 貴子女之班名單 (現時不適用)
  • 成績
  • 所有有關貴子女於2016年7 月前的資料
  • 課堂資料
  • 作業警報

How to View Homework

You can view a log of assigned homework for your child. Log in to PowerSchool, click on Assignments located on the left side of the screen.

Here is an example of a homework assignment:

What is Moodle? /


Moodle is used by the teachers to share classroom resources with the students and to collect assignments. Parents do not need to check Moodle. They should check PowerSchool for information on the performance of their children.


Can I Change the Language in PowerSchool? /


Yes. Parents have the option of using English or Chinese. You can chose the language you want to use after logging in.

是的,家長能選擇使用英文或中文。您能於登入後 選擇想使用的語言。

How Do I Reset My Password? /


  • From PowerSchool's Login Page, parents can click on Forgot Username or Password? which will direct you to a page that requires you to provide your parent username and parent email address for resetting password purposes OR
  • Once you logged into PowerSchool, click on Account Preferences and select the editing icon to change your password
  • 在PowerSchool的登入版面,家長可點擊忘記用戶名稱和密碼?這會連接至另一個版面,您在輸入家長用戶名稱和家長電郵地址後,便可重設您的密碼
  • 當您登入PowerSchool後,點擊帳戶喜好設定, 然後選擇編輯標誌來更改您的密碼。

Who Do I Contact If I Am Locked Out? /


If you have any difficulties logging in please email: psadmin@isf.edu.hk Please use your ISF parent email so we can verify your identity.

如果您在登入PowerSchool時有任何問題,請聯絡:psadmin@isf.edu.hk 請使用您的ISF家長電郵地址以便我們驗證您的身份 。

What If There Is An Error With My Child's Record? /


Go to the Demographic Update link and update the information.


Who Do I Contact If One Of My Children Is Missing From My Account? /


If a child has not been linked to your parent account please send an email to: psadmin@isf.edu.hk Please use your ISF parent email so we can verify your identity.

如果您其中一名的子女尚未連接到您的用戶帳號,請聯絡:psadmin@isf.edu.hk 請使用您的ISF家長電郵地址以便我們驗證您的身份 。

To view the Primary Timetable /


To update details in Demographic /


Notifying school of absence /


Joining PTA & Parent Communication /


Learn More! Watch Use These Video & Step-by-Step User Guides /


Written Tutorials for Common Task on Power School
