HS Visual Arts Syllabus

High School Visual Arts ★ Mrs. Layne Long, M.Ed ★ Lake Lure Classical Academy ★ Fall 2021

★ Email: llong@llcharter.org ★ Phone: 828-625-9292

As a student in Visual Arts class, you will think and behave like an artist. The focus of art class will be to go through the artistic process which includes being inspired by something, designing a concept, creating the artwork (and revising it if necessary), having a final product, and then critiquing it.

While the final product is important, the process and behaviors learned throughout the process are just as important (if not more).

You will learn new techniques, new media, and meet new artists through a myriad of activities which will include instructional bootcamps, short demos, practice activities, choice-based studio assignments, and a reflection process.

The art room is your studio, which in order to run properly and efficiently, requires your cooperation with the following:

The following objectives are based on the North Carolina Visual Arts Essential Standards/ Standard Course

of Study for High School:

  • VIsual Literacy

    • Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively

    • Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.

    • Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and appropriately

  • Contextual Relevance

    • Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.

    • Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

  • Critical Response

    • Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.


  • Plan, organize, and explore art making and art making processes.

  • Take responsibility for the workspace, materials, and your missed classes.

  • Maintain appropriate interactions with staff and other students.

  • Maintain a level of self-learning/self-initiative. You will not improve if you continuously rely on the teacher for everything.

  • A willingness to explore, experiment, take risks, and fail (failing is great! Failing is learning!). From those things, you will learn and grow as an artist and as a person.

Course Objectives

  • Learn how to apply the creative process to create original art

  • Understand how to use a variety of media and processes, including: collage, paper mache, ink, graphite, charcoal, watercolor, acrylic, and fiber

  • Explore the concept of originality and learn the steps of the creative process, working with themes

  • Keep a visual journal to record new learning and the artistic process, as well as documenting inspiration through prompts and personal interests

  • Complete a digital portfolio and website that demonstrates evidence of growth and learning

  • Find inspiration and create a collection of self-directed artwork that exhibits knowledge and skill with various media/processes

  • Final Exam - worth 20% of your grade. Students with less than three absences and a grade of 80% will be exempt.


Your grade in art will come from the following:

  • Artwork, sharing and reflection

  • Evidence of the Artistic Thinking Process

  • Ongoing completion of a digital portfolio and website

  • Continuous effective use of a visual journal

  • Final Exam…………………...................20%

Students with less than three absences and above 80% in the class will be exempt.

Missing/Incomplete/Late work

  • You are expected to complete all assignments, projects, and tests.

  • If you are absent, we will decide on a new due date for the missed assignment together.

  • A zero is not an option. You have more than enough time to finish all work in class if you use your time wisely; however, You will be able to make up incomplete artwork during after-school open studio time, during Raptor time, or when you have finished another assignment, if need be.

  • You will have until the end of the quarter to complete all assignments; however, late assignments may result in lowered grades if you have not communicated with me beforehand that you need more time to finish the project.

  • Artwork from a previous quarter will not be accepted.

  • Once a report card grade is submitted, it is final. Final project grades cannot be accepted past their due date.

Materials Needed:

  • An 8 ½ x 11 sketchbook – spiral bound is good, book bound is better. Please make sure it is bound on the side, not on top. It should say ‘sketchbook’ on the cover and not ‘sketch pad’. Sketch pads tend to fall apart fairly easily.

  • A box of #2 wooden or mechanical pencils

  • A box of tissues

Art Class Expectations


  • Follow directions the first time they are given. If I ask you to do something, I expect to not have to ask you again.

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. DO NOT THROW ANYTHING. Not even into the garbage.

  • Stay in your seat unless you are getting specific classroom material. If this right is abused, I will

get your materials for you. You are to stay in your seat until 3:08, at which time I will dismiss you. Athletes may leave at 3:05 to get changed. You are to work quietly up until this time. There is a list of alternative activities you may complete if you need to take a break from the assignment given.

  • There is no food eaten in class. A bottle of water is allowed with a lid or cap.

  • Use the art materials safely and correctly.


  • Have materials you need for class - sketchbook and a pencil.

  • Clean up after yourself, including your work area and your materials. Classroom procedures will

  • be written by the class if this expectation is not met.


  • Give your attention to your teacher and put your pencils down

  • Be on time.

  • All backpacks and phones should be kept in lockers.

  • If I see your cell phone AT ALL:

    • First time - phone goes to cell phone parking lot

    • Second time - phone gets brought to Admin

  • Do your work to the best of your ability. Ask for help if you need it.

  • Do your own work. You should not be creating anyone else’s artwork for them

  • Art time is for art; not for other classes whose work you are missing or the latest gossip


  • Raise your hand to be recognized. Address me respectfully with my correct name.

  • Do not fuss, tease, argue, or use inappropriate language with me or anyone else in the class.

  • Let classmates do their work. Do not distract them.

  • Respect yourself. No negative self-talk.

  • Talking should be kept to a minimum. It should be clean, quiet and thoughtful.

  • Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated. This pertains, but is not limited, to gender, race, sexual orientation, political views, religion, remarks about intelligence, appearance, disability, learning styles, or artistic ability

Failure to meet these expectations will result in the following consequences:

  1. Verbal warning

  2. Relocation to an independent seating area to continue working or the student will write the classroom expectations, then state which expectation was not followed. (depending on the offense). If I have to ask you a second time to put your phone away, it will be placed on my desk for the remainder of the class.

  3. A reflection sheet will be completed by the student and signed by a grown-up. Student will have silent lunch until it is returned.

  4. The student will be sent to Admin

Insubordination (defiance of authority; refusal to obey orders) , racist or discriminatory comments, distracting other students from their working, or inappropriate physical behavior or language towards any students or me will result in an automatic discipline referral. I am not here to bargain or make deals with any students. My job is to teach and yours is to learn. I am your teacher first, your friend second. Please remember this.

If you hear anyone saying or doing anything offensive or discriminatory, please let me know. If I don’t know about it, I can’t do anything about it. Please don’t be afraid to communicate with me.

Please review this syllabus, sign, and return to me by Friday, August 13th. Feel free to give me a call at school at (828) 625-9292 or e-mail me at llong@llcharter.org if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I am very much looking forward to this school year. It’s going to be great!

I have read Mrs. Long’s syllabus and understand the expectations of the High School Visual Arts course.

Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________Date: ___________________