High School Black & White/Digital Photography Syllabus

High School Digital/Black & White Photography ★ Layne Long, M.Ed

★ Lake Lure Classical Academy ★ Spring 2022

★ Email: llong@llcharter.org ★ Phone: 828-625-9292

Course Description

This course will enable students to use the medium of photography to express themselves artistically. In order to effectively do this, technical aspects of camera handling and understanding of the elements of art and principles of design will both be explored in depth. Students will cover the use of the Digital SLR camera controls including f/stops, shutter speeds, film speeds and the production of a correct exposure, as well as learning to create successful compositions, give (and receive) constructive criticism, design effective lighting, and utilize image editing software. Students will also learn the history and invention of the camera and photography.

Each student will make a portfolio where they will post their photography and writing assignments and a website where they will present their projects and photographs they are most proud of. Instruction will include short lectures, demonstrations from visiting artists, and samples of desired outcomes, as well as self-selected research of artists who inspire each student. Projects will include color and black & white photography.

Students who have DSLR cameras are welcome to use them. Students who have cell phone cameras are welcome to use those, as well, and those cameras should be just fine. Students will need to add the Lightroom Mobile app for manual shooting and image editing. Students will post their assignments on their websites.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will:

– Make informed choices about composition when photographing and editing digital images and choosing appropriate technologies for use in a variety of photography assignments

– Analyze and discuss complex ideas in works of photographic art

– Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill that reflect their feelings and point of view.

– Understand and utilize the steps in the creative process

– Realize the vast amount of career choices in the visual arts.

- Produce a website with an accomplished portfolio of work

Assignment/Project topics will include:

Exposure Triangle (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture)

Camera/Flash Modes

White Balance

Lens Focal Length

Exposure Compensation

Focusing Options

Depth of Field

Macro Photography, Portraiture, Landscape

Action Photography

Still Life

Candid Photography

Black and White (Monochrome)

Techniques of Lighting

Photography Composition

Image Editing (Using Photopea and Lightroom)

Special Photopea Creative Ideas involving use of layering

High Dynamic Range (H.D.R.) Photography

Written Photo Critiques: This is a writing assignment that will be attached to each big photo project. Students will critique one photograph they have taken which relates to the current assignment and explain what makes it a good photograph. Students will also critique their own work and the work of their peers.


Projects 40%

Project critiques/Exams 10%

Assignments 30%

Portfolio/Website 20%

Final Exam 20% (exempt if grade is over 80% and less than 3 absences)

Students may return to a previous assignment to add further enhancements and receive a higher grade on any project.

Expectations for Photo Class

Respect Yourself

Dedicate class time to your photography and put time and effort into your work. Art time is for art; not for catching up on other classes’ work or hearing the latest gossip

Think about your digital footprint and how it follows you

Come up with your own original, interesting, creative ideas. Never steal anyone else’s work, plagiarize, or do anyone else’s work for them. If you were inspired by an artist’s work, make sure you give them credit

No negative self-talk. If you tell me your work is ‘trash’, I will grade it accordingly. Seriously, be kind to yourself! You’re here to learn!

Respect Others

Do not throw anything, at all, anywhere

Be careful with your words. Think before you speak. Take time to really listen to others (including the teacher). Give them your attention while they are speaking.

If having a discussion with another classmate, keep it clean, quiet, and thoughtful.

Respect Learning

Work hard for your grade and come prepared for class (sketchbook) and on time

Do your photography and writing assignments and hand them in on time

Participate in class discussions/critiques

Respect the Classroom

Take care of your art room (leave it cleaner than you found it)

Stay in your seat unless you are getting materials. No wandering around or visiting friends

Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated. This pertains, but is not limited, to gender, race, sexual orientation, political views, religion, remarks about intelligence, appearance, disability, learning styles, or artistic ability

Imagery: Students have artistic freedom within the boundaries of school policy. Please conference with the teacher if you are unsure of whether your art may be hurtful,insensitive, or inappropriate.

Food: NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE CLASSROOM. Water with a cap is OK but must be kept on the counter.

Backpack/Cell Phone Policy: All backpacks should be kept in lockers. You may use your phone ONLY for taking photographs or uploading photographs to your website/portfolio. TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND GROWN UPS (PARENTS, BOSSES, ETC.) NOT TO TEXT YOU DURING CLASS TIME. NO, YOU MAY NOT CALL/TEXT THEM BACK. If you abuse this:

First time - phone goes to cell phone parking lot

Second time - phone gets confiscated an given to Administration

Consequences: Failure to meet these expectations will result in the following consequences:

Verbal warning

Relocation to an independent seating area to continue working or to write the classroom expectations, then state which expectation was not followed (depending on the offense).

A reflection sheet will be completed by the student and signed by a grown-up. The student will have silent lunch until it is returned.

The student will be sent to Administration

Insubordination (defiance of authority; refusal to obey orders) , racist or discriminatory comments, distracting other students from their working, or inappropriate physical behavior or language towards any students or me will result in an automatic discipline referral. I am not here to bargain or make deals with any students. My job is to teach and yours is to learn. I am your teacher first, your friend second. Please remember this.

If you hear anyone saying or doing anything offensive or discriminatory, please let me know. If I don’t know about it, I can’t do anything about it. Please don’t be afraid to communicate with me.

Please review this syllabus, sign, and return to me by Friday, January 6th. Feel free to give me a call at school at (828) 625-9292 or e-mail me at llong@llcharter.org if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I am very much looking forward to this school year. It’s going to be great!

I have read Mrs. Long’s syllabus and understand the expectations of the High School Photography course.

Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________Date: ___________________