Glee Club

(Fall Semester)

The purpose of Glee Club is to allow students the opportunity to sing and dance, as well as perform during the first semester. All students in grades 7-12 are welcome; however, students will need to audition (more information will be coming soon).

What is Glee Club?

Glee Club (or Show Choir) is a performance-based vocal ensemble. Songs will be paired with choreography and movement. There will be many opportunities for solos, duets, and small group numbers, as well as 2+ part harmony and singing in unison.

Members will be required to attend at least one rehearsal after school per week with added rehearsals as showtimes draw near (days/times will be decided). There will also be other opportunities to perform at school and at community events.

Students will be responsible for learning all music and choreography, and since the club will only be meeting once or twice a week, they will be responsible for rehearsing music and choreography independently in order to maintain a high level of excellence within the group.