On The Main Stage

Join us to learn from some of the most innovative leaders in the nation!

You will leave informed with practical ways that you can put new ideas into action and be inspired to continue to do the good work you embark on each day in your corner of the world.

Learn more about our Keynote and Plenary Speakers at MEET OUR EXPERTS.

Morning Keynote Session 

Moving Forward

Empower educators and support students by leveraging the science of purposeful belonging

Tim Klein

Thursday, July 20 at 9:00 am

As the dust begins to settle from a tumultuous past few years, the education community is ready to look ahead, to envision a more hopeful, inspiring future for students and educators. That doesn’t mean moving on from recent disruption, but moving forward by designing communities built on the pillars of purpose and belonging.

Timothy Klein, LCSW, has dedicated his career to helping students and educators to navigate school, work and life. He does this by showing people how to be the author of their life stories, rather than the main character. 

It’s time we craft a new story of what higher education can and should be, together. 

Tim will show how to leverage purpose and belonging can help students become more motivated and confident, while at the same time helping educators become more engaged in their work, more resilient against daily stressors, and more likely to see education as their true calling.

In this highly engaging presentation, participants will discover that to better support our students, our staff, and ourselves, we don't have to do "more." 

Join a clinical therapist, researcher, and educator as he unveils his award-winning work on purpose and belonging. Tim will demonstrate how what benefits educators also benefits students. He will delve into the science of purpose and reveal why purpose-driven students are more engaged in school, enjoy greater success in college, and are more likely to thrive in their careers and lives.

Educators and administrators will leave with evidence-based best practices and practical strategies to immediately implement in their schools. Klein will guide every school leader on how to revolutionize their schools and empower their teachers by embracing the potential of purpose and belonging-centered education.

A Conversation with the Author 

Timmy Is Resilient

 Course for Educators and Caregivers

Patti Dema

 Thursday, July 20 at 12:45 pm

Using the children's book Timmy is Resilient as a guiding tool this session will discuss toxic stress, ACEs, and how it impacts the mental and physical health of our community.

We will talk about how we can begin to make a change in the lives of children and families with a high ACEs score. We will gain an understanding of how behavior is a response to environmental triggers and learn how to use self-calming activities. 

In this session, participants will learn what a protective factor is, and how to help children and families attain these supports. This session will teach how to support self-confidence and self-efficacy with the goal to heal from trauma. We will also look at the digital tool Timmy Is Resilient and discuss how to use this tool to reinforce these skills.

Afternoon Plenary Session 

The Essence of Belonging

Pascal Losambe

Thursday, July 20 at 3:15 pm

In this session, we will dive into the science behind how our brains understand our identities and the impact that cultivating environments of belonging has on student success. We will explore how our sense of belonging is intertwined with our personal and social identities and how creating inclusive spaces can positively impact student well-being, academic achievement, and overall success.

In this session,  we will understand the science behind how our brains understand our identities and the role of belonging in identity development. We will also learn about the impact of belonging on student success and how to cultivate environments of inclusion and belonging in educational settings. 

We will explore strategies for creating inclusive classrooms, schools, and communities that support student success and well-being. We will also reflect on personal experiences and biases that may impact our ability to create inclusive environments and develop strategies to address these challenges.

Morning Keynote Session

Authentic Leadership
through a Lens of Resiliency

Van Wilson

Friday, July 21 at 9:00 am 

From public housing to a college presidency, Dr. Wilson will share lessons learned during his 40-year personal and professional journey. He has taken a “Triple S” approach to mentoring others, that when joined with his trauma-informed training, provides a simple template for creating spaces of belonging for others.

Afternoon Plenary Session 

Building Resilience
from the Inside Out

 The Latest Discoveries in Neuroscience 

Rick Griffin

Friday, July 21 at 2:30 pm

Join us for an exciting and informative session exploring the brain's reward system and its critical role in motivating student learning. In this session, we'll dive deep into the fascinating world of neuroscience and discover how the brain processes rewards and drives behavior, particularly in the context of learning.

Through interactive presentations and engaging discussions, we'll explore the latest research on the brain's reward system and how it influences student motivation and learning. We'll uncover the ways in which the brain responds to positive and negative incentives in the classroom, and how this can impact student behavior and academic performance.

You'll learn practical strategies for harnessing the power of the brain's reward system to motivate students to learn. We'll explore how to create a positive learning environment, set effective goals, provide meaningful feedback, and cultivate intrinsic motivation in students.

Whether you're a teacher, administrator, curriculum designer, or simply someone interested in unlocking the secrets of the brain, this session is for you. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of the brain's reward system and the tools to motivate students to reach their full academic potential.