Success Strategies

Your high school years may be the most exciting and important ones you will spend in school. Being successful will require effort, committment, and motivation. Becoming organized, and learning to successfully balance your academic, social, and extracurricular life, are keys to success in high school.

Stay Organized

• Use your agenda book! The high school will provide you with a student agenda book each year. It is a good idea to use your agenda to record assignments and when you have tests, quizzes, and papers due. You can also use it keep track of other important dates and appointments.

• Have a plan on how to organize your notes and other important papers. Have a notebook (3-ringbinder, spiral, etc.) and pocket folder for each subject. Be sure to periodically get rid of items you no longer need. Note that teachers may have specific required supplies.

Time Management

• If you spend approximately 8 hours in school and 8 hours sleeping per day, that leaves 8 hours to get everything else done (homework, extracurriculars, job, etc.). Planning your time wisely will allow enough time to get everything done you need to do, while leaving time for things you want to do.

• Try to use available time in school to begin assignments. This may be during a studyhall, academic advisement, or class time set aside to begin homework.

• Be sure to have dedicated time at home get homework and other assignments completed as well as to study. This could be a strict time - say 4:00 - 5:30, or be flexible - I need two hours to get my schoolwork done before bed. Try to limit playing video games, texting, or social media until your work is done as those activities can quickly eat into your available time.

• Try not to overschedule. Make sure you are not taking on more than you can handle.

Get Involved

LHS has over 50 student clubs/activities and over 60 sports teams at all levels. Involved students may feel more engaged and attached to the school and often have better attendance and overall school performance.

Visit the Students Activities and Athletics Office in room 901 for more information.

Quick Tips

• Ask questions in class

• Join class discussions

• Take good notes and ask for clarification if you don't understand

• Get extra help when needed - after school or during academic advisement

• Don't fall behind in assignments - stay on top of things

• Sit close to the front of the room

• Be sure to proofread all of your written assignments and make corrections if necessary