

Welcome to Level I Spanish 7/8 Grades

Students enrolled in a World Language program in middle school will have the opportunity to earn a credit towards high school graduation. This course does fulfill the requirement for one full Regents credit for high school graduation prior to ninth grade.

In addition to passing the course for both seventh and eighth grade, students must also pass the Final Exam given at the end of eighth grade. Once again, students earn a full credit when they pass the course AND the final exam.


EMAIL: mmcgrane@liverpool.k12.ny.us

SCHOOL TELEPHONE: 315.453.1283

Students will receive their curriculum and instructional assignments via Google Classroom. Students are enrolled in Google Classroom based on their scheduled block. I will keep an accurate grading record on SchoolTool. To ensure your child is keeping up with the assigned work, please frequently check the assignments tab in SchoolTool. You can filter by subject area. You should have access to SchoolTool. If you do not , then please contact your child's counselor to receive assistance.