Litchfield Middle School
The Litchfield Middle School Learning Commons is a shared resource available to all students and staff. The atmosphere encourages study, research, and reading for enjoyment. People who use the library are expected to treat each other, resources, books, computers and furniture with care and respect. Please pick up after yourself and remember to follow all school rules and library guidelines while using the library.
Books and eBooks
More Information
Join The Library Google Classroom page!
Code: ewlhrcp
Borrowing Information
Read a good book from our Library lately? Click on the button below to write a review!
Integration Support
Do you have a great idea for a project and want to know how you can optimize it with technology or digital tools?
Whether you are a student or a teacher, we are happy to offer you some more ideas about what technology or digital tools to incorporate, or by giving you some specific technical training.
Click the button below to send a request or email me at
Click on the "Summer Enrichment" button to the right for some reading and activity recommendations for this summer!