Xavier Catholic College
Subject Selection (Stage 6)
Year 11 2025 & Year 12 2026
Xavier Catholic College Mission Statement
What does the Lord require of us but to act justly,
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God?
Micah 6:8
Xavier Catholic College Ballina is a Jesuit Companion School and a ministry of the St Francis Xavier Catholic Parish. Our mission is to provide a holistic Catholic education that is world-affirming, encourages a study of all reality and seeks wisdom.
We strive to develop conscientious leaders and agents of change who are intellectually competent, open to growth, committed to justice, and compassionate in service to others for the greater glory of God.
STAGE 6 (Years 11 & 12) STUDY
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
I am thankful for the opportunity to write an introduction for this important College publication – the outline of Year 11 & 12 courses for the 2025 academic year.
Xavier, being a Catholic College, aims to create an atmosphere of community for all its members. This community is one that values the uniqueness of every individual and appreciates each one's worth as a person who is growing in the stature of Christ. It is a community that is characterised by a spirit of co-operation, respect, and friendliness which staff and students have worked hard to establish as an ongoing tradition.
Over many years, Xavier Catholic College has grown and thrived on a culture fuelled by a commitment to teaching and learning that involves the student, the teacher and the parents in a partnership aimed at producing a full and well-rounded education. With Christ as our example, we strive to be the best so that we can reach our full potential and enhance our dignity as human beings, and the dignity of those within our community. It is in building a healthy community that we fully develop as individuals.
Senior students are expected to:
Help maintain the high ideals of Xavier.
Accept responsibility for self-discipline.
Apply themselves fully to their studies.
Act, in all circumstances, with maturity.
Cooperate actively in the academic, liturgical, cultural, social, and sporting life of the College.
I hope that on perusing this Handbook you will come to the conclusion that Xavier Catholic College, is best suited to meet the needs of each individual student at this time of their academic pathway.
So what are some of the factors that support this?
First, Xavier Catholic College is a school with a wonderful spirit in which you will derive enormous support from your peers and also from your teachers.
Secondly, Xavier Catholic College is about excellence, about reaching the highest possible academic and vocational standards. These standards can be achieved only by each student’s personal commitment to study, by adopting a serious and mature approach, and by good planning. It greatly assists if students have some idea of their likely career options so goals can be formed and worked towards.
No teacher or group of teachers can do the work or obtain good results for students. Having said that, I know there is no group of teachers more skilled or more willing to help you than those at Xavier Catholic College.
Thirdly, Xavier Catholic College encourages you to develop all sides of your persona and to learn in different ways. At Xavier, you will continue to explore moral, ethical, and religious questions faced by every human being, and you are consistently challenged academically, physically, and through cultural, spiritual and creative experiences.
Studies show that education has been increasingly tied not only to academic achievement and career paths after school, but also to the personal development of young people in our society. The school which recognises and faces this challenge is the school which provides the best environment and education for your child.
One of the many challenges that face all schools is to establish a broad and meaningful curriculum for its students. What we hope to do is to build our curriculum upon student choice, the best educational practice and pedagogy, the existing and emerging trends in education, and educational excellence and relevance, while ensuring that whatever we do is grounded in our tradition of Catholic Education that values the dignity of each individual.
The Xavier Stage 6 curriculum covers traditional Board-Developed Preliminary and HSC courses, as well as Vocational Education (VET) courses and some Board-Endorsed courses. The aim will be to allow students to have maximum flexibility in achieving their pattern of study choices and even pathways and traineeships while still at school.
In addition to formal classes, students participate in sports, retreats, masses, liturgies, excursions and field trips. They are asked to assist in the various school functions that occur.
It is into this community that I, as Principal, warmly welcome students intending to study in Years 11 and 12. I sincerely hope that the years ahead are very happy ones for each student and that they find at Xavier Catholic College an environment which is supportive, caring and accepting. I look forward to a close association with parents over the coming senior years.
Mr Lee MacMaster
College Principal
May 2024