
What is CoMMerce

Commerce looks at developing your understanding, knowledge and skills to research and develop solutions for;

  • consumer

  • financial

  • economic

  • business

  • legal

  • political and

  • employment

issues in order for you to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community.

Unit Topics

Across Yr 9 & 10 you will look at at four core units and four optional units:

Core units:

  • Consumer and Financial Decisions

  • The Economic and Business Environment

  • Employment and Work Futures

  • Law, Society and Political Involvement

Optional units include (only four studied):

  • Our Economy

  • Investing

  • Promoting and Selling

  • Running a Business

  • Law in Action

  • Travel

  • Towards Independence

Why Study Commerce

Commerce builds your knowledge, understanding and skills to be an informed and active member of society. You will gain a greater awareness of the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a range of contexts and the role of law in society. You will develop skills in decision-making and problem-solving, related to a range of issues and identify appropriate plans to achieve goals.

Through investigating contemporary issues, you will work independently and collaboratively to meet goals. You will develop knowledge of civics and skills for citizenship, and recognise the importance of being an informed, responsible and active citizen. Hopefully, you will develop an appreciation of the importance of ethical and socially responsible behaviour and fundamental rights, rule and laws that promote fairness, justice and equity in society.