Visual Arts

50% Practical 50% Theory

Prelim Course Requirements

  • A focus on the key components and concepts that need to be known in the Visual Arts through:

  • The conceptual framework, and frames

  • making artworks at least 2 pieces in 2 different mediums

  • use of a process diary

  • broad investigation of ideas in art criticism and art history

  • a deep investigation of the art world and artists practic

  • Essay writing

Prelim course

  • How to Study and Write about Artists and their

  • Artworks and their World

  • Begin to develop your ideas for your Body of Work

  • Learn advanced techniques in Arts production

  • Drawing, Printmaking and Painting

Year 12

Your project your choice

50% Practical 50% Theory

Drawing Sculpture Painting Textile based form Photography Digital media works Printmaking Time based media Short film Graphic Design

HSC Course Requirements

A focus on more interpretive investigations and relationships through:

    • the content of practice, conceptual framework, frames

    • the development of a body of work use of a process diary

    • investigation of content through at least 5 case studies in art criticism and art history

    • Essay writing

    • a deep investigation of ideas in art criticism and art history

    • a deep investigation of the art world and artists practice

Time Management is key for Success in stage 6 art