(School-Based Traineeships/Apprenticeships)

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) provide students with the opportunity to attain a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification as well as their Higher School Certificate (HSC) whilst also gaining valuable work skills and experience through paid employment.

Students will need to seek opportunities for a SBAT or SBAA with willing employers.

School based trainees are required to:

■ enter into a Training Contract for a term of sufficient duration to allow them to complete their formal training requirements for the HSC as well as the minimum requirement of 100 days (or as specified in the relevant VTO), of paid employment by 31 December of the HSC year

■ enroll in and successfully complete a minimum Certificate II AQF qualification as specified in the VTO

■ undertake the on-the-job training requirements of a minimum of 100 days concurrently with the formal training requirements

■ complete the formal training requirements as listed on the Training Plan by the end of Term 3 of the HSC year

■ be entered with NESA for study in the HSC (Stage 6).
Copy of School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships
Simon Magnay - School Based Apprenticeship.mp4

Simon was passionate about yachts. He did his research and made contact with the Gold Coast Company Riviera. After Work Experience in Year 10, Simon completed his Work Placement with Riviera for his Cert 11 in Metal and Engineering. They were very impressed with Simon and he commenced a SBAA - School-Based Apprenticeship with Riviera in Yr 12.

Simon is now an apprentice engineer with this company, who takes pride in looking after their employees.