
Physics is the most fundamental of the Sciences & studies how forces & energy interact.

It is one of the prerequisites for many of the Science degrees at university as well as being essential for studying virtually any form of engineering.

It is a course that requires a high degree of comfort with mathematics & as such assumes that you have studied AT LEAST Maths 5.2 or higher in Year 10.

However, it is NOT all maths but ideas that take time to accept & then understand e.g.

  • a bullet & its cartridge will hit the ground at the same time if shot from a gun on level ground

  • as you approach the speed of light, time slows down & length contracts as seen by a stationary observer (Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity)

A somewhat humorous look at what Physics is


You will study the following in this Module:

  • Motion in a Straight Line

  • Motion on a Plane

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate time, distance, displacement, speed, velocity & acceleration of objects

  • Record and/or measure the speed & acceleration of the school's bus (photo)

  • Explain how running around an oval once can give you a non-zero average speed but your velocity will be zero

  • At night you are travelling faster through Space than during the day

  • Why throwing a ball on a moving bus can have two different speeds


You will study the following in this Module:

  • Forces

  • Forces, Acceleration & Energy

  • Momentum

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate forces on objects using Newton's 1. & 3. Law

  • Explain why jumping off a light boat can lead to you ending up in the water

  • Determine your maximum jump height on different planets

  • Measure the power (in kW) of your legs

Waves & Thermodynamics

You will study the following in this Module:

  • Properties of Waves

  • Behaviour of Waves

  • Sound Waves

  • Ray Model of Light

  • Thermodynamics

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the wavelength, frequency & speed of a wave

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the energy required to heat and/or melt substances

  • Explain why it is possible to break a glass using a human's voice

  • Explain why you get burnt twice from a steam burn

Electricity & Magnetism

You will study the following in this Module:

  • Electrostatics

  • Electric Circuits

  • Magnetism

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the strength of an electric field as well as voltages, currents & resistance in an electric circuit

  • Observe magnetic field lines

  • Explain why when filling a petrol container it needs to be on the ground

  • Explain how to get out of a car in winter without getting zapped

  • Explain how to behave when there is lightning nearby & why a car is a "safe" place when it gets struck by lightning

Depth Study - Preliminary Course (15 hours)

You will be provided with 15 hours of class time to work on your Preliminary Course Depth Study.

The Depth Study will include you carrying out an experiment of your own choosing that satisfies one or more of the Knowledge Outcomes of the Preliminary Physics course. Your mark for the Depth Study will be based on the experiment report you submit in Week 10, Term 1.

The 15 hours of class time will be the maximum you will be given to spend on your Depth Study - IN CLASS, the rest will have to be covered by you in your own time.

Advanced Mechanics

You will study the following in this Module:

  • Projectile Motion

  • Circular Motion

  • Motion in Gravitational Fields

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the time of flight, maximum altitude & range of a projectile

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the radius, speed & mass of an object performing circular motion e.g. a car going around a corner

  • Explain why speed is your biggest problem when driving around a corner in a car

  • Explain the different types of orbits for satellites

  • Explain that astronauts experience weightlessness because they are falling


You will study the following in this Module:

  • Charged Particles, Conductors and Electric & Magnetic Fields

  • The Motor Effect

  • Electromagnetic Induction

  • Applications of the Motor Effect

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the motion variable of a charged object in an electric and/or magnetic field e.g. LHC

  • Explain how an electron gun works

  • Explain why it is a good idea to uncoil an extension cord before using it to power a device that draws a lot of current

  • Explain that an electric motor & a generator are the same thing that are used in opposite ways

The Nature of Light

You will study the following in this Module:

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum

  • Production & Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves

  • Determining the Speed of Light

  • Light: Wave Model

  • Light: Quantum Model

  • Light & Special Relativity

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the frequency & energy of a photon

  • Use mathematical equations to analyse the interference of light waves through a diffraction grating

  • Explain that light can be both a particle or a wave depending on the experiment YOU choose

  • Describe how an analysis of Black Body Radiation led to Quantum Theory

  • Explain the basics behind solar panels using the photoelectric effect

  • Explain how time slows down (as seen by an external observer) for somebody travelling at relativistic speeds

From the Universe to the Atom

You will study the following in this Module:

  • Origins of the Elements

  • Structure of the Atom

  • Quantum Mechanical Nature of the Atom

  • Properties of the Nucleus

  • Deep Inside the Atom

You will do the following:

  • Use mathematical equations to calculate the frequencies of emission & absorption spectra

  • Use the mathematical equation E = mc2 to calculate how much energy the splitting or fusing of atoms releases

  • Explain how the Big Bang led to the existence of Space & Time (the Universe)

  • Use a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram to identify & predict the life cycle of a star

  • Explain how Bohr's quantum model of an atom explains how a LASER works

  • Explain the origins of radioactivity & why nuclear bomb are the most powerful bombs

  • Explain the Standard Model of Matter & how quarks fit into this model & our modern picture of an atom

Depth Study - HSC Course (15 hours)

You will be provided with 15 hours of class time to work on your HSC Course Depth Study.

The Depth Study will include you carrying out an experiment of your own choosing that satisfies one or more of the Knowledge Outcomes of the HSC Physics course. Your mark for the Depth Study will be based on the experiment report you submit in Week 4, Term 3.

The 15 hours of class time will be the maximum you will be given to spend on your Depth Study - IN CLASS, the rest will have to be covered by you in your own time.

This Depth Study & its report must be sufficiently different from your Preliminary Course Depth Study.