Industrial Technology - Multimedia (2U)

Industrial technology - multimedia technologies is a hands-on course that involves the realisation of a major project and management folio at the HSC.

To compete and succeed in today’s digital world, high school students must have the opportunity to learn how to design, create and present a host of multimedia projects. Today’s students must be proficient, and, in many cases, have advanced knowledge related to a variety multimedia outlets,animation, film, digital video projects, and game development software such as Unity or Unreal Engine 4.

Industrial technology is suited to a diverse range of students wishing to develop their practical skills and gain an understanding of the industry. Industrial Technology strands make a particularly good combination with VET courses. During the course, a significant amount of time will be spent on practical work.

The remaining time will involve a study of theoretical aspects of the course and a study of an industry associated with the chosen technology (through industrial visits, research and field work).

Students with previous experience or jointly studying computing (Information Processes and Technology) will find it advantageous for this course.

Both the Year 11 and Year 12 Courses are organised around four sections

  • industry study

  • workplace communication

  • design, planning and management

  • industry-specific content.

Year 11 Course

Practical skill enhancing exercises and minor projects combined with a study of industry in their focus area.

Year 12 Course

The development of a major project and folio in your focus strand and a broad study of industry.


School assessment has the same structure for both the Year 11 course and the Year 12 course.

Assessment components (Weighting):

  • industry study (20%)

  • design, planning & management (20%)

  • workplace communication (10%)

  • industry-specific content (50%)

For the Year 12 course there is an external paper worth 40% and the major project and associated management folio 60%.

Tools and machines

  • using multimedia equipment

  • manipulating multimedia software packages

  • publishing multimedia presentations.

Note it will be highly beneficial for students to have an acceptable laptop for this course, Chrome books are not adequate.

  • Students will have access to the Adobe Suite, consisting of

  • Photoshop

  • Animate

  • Illustrator

  • Premier Pro

  • After Effects

Major project ideas:

  • Short Animation, utilizing the Adobe suite and Blender

  • Digital video projects

  • Short film

  • sidescroller game

  • music video, creating both the visuals and the musical score

  • Traditional hand drawn cell animation film