Web Comics

Here are a few spots on the web where you can read online comics for free!


The story of Inverloch centers around a young man named Acheron, from a horned wolf-like race called the da'kor. After a chance encounter with an elf, he finds himself setting out on a seemingly innocent mission - that of trying to locate Kayn'dar, another elf who has been missing for the past twelve years.

The Phoenix Requiem

The Phoenix Requiem is a Victorian-inspired supernatural fantasy story about faith, love, death, and the things we believe in.

Gunnerkrigg Court

Gunnerkrigg Court is a science-fantasy web comic. It is updated online three days a week


This is the story of Coyote and how he came to be the creature he is today


A WWII romance between and American girl and a Japanese boy.


The planets are living powerful beings and the sentient species that occupy their surfaces are their children. They face a crisis when their elemental lifeblood begins to seep into the children, eventually culminizing into a soulstone which gives them great powers, but at the cost of their life and eventually that of the planets’ too.

Girl Genius

Adventure, romance, and MAD SCIENCE!

Heart of Millyera

When young geology student Ida finds an unusual object at the bottom of a lake, she unwittingly becomes guardian to Millyera - a childlike spirit as old as the universe. With her colleagues Gilbert and Celeste, Ida works to protect Millyera from those who would do the sea-spirit harm. In doing so, they awaken a long-dormant world of magic and danger.

The Tea Dragon Society

The story of Greta, a blacksmith apprentice, and the people she meets as she becomes entwined in the enchanting world of tea dragons. It updates weekly, with a new page every Sunday evening (PST).

Anacrine Complex

A superhuman heist involving probably more pigeons than is entirely necessary.


When Emma lands in another world following a library fire, she discovers she’s a Namesake — one with the power to open portals to other worlds via the power of their name: strange, fantasy, and fairy-tale lands we know thanks to literature, cinema, and folks tales.

Witchy Comic

Witchy is an ongoing webcomic about the young witch Nyneve, who is haunted by the death of her father and the threat the Witch Guard poses to her own life. When conscription rolls around, Nyneve has a choice to make; join the institution complicit in her father’s death, or stand up for her ideals? Witchy updates every Tuesday and Friday.

Anarchy Dreamers

Imagine that life gives you a second chance. But instead of restarting everything normally, you're reborn with supernatural abilities. Launched in 2015, Anarchy Dreamers is an urban fantasy webcomic, praised for its "soft goth, pastel punk" art, mysterious narrative, and extensive world building.

Guilded Age

On the continent of Arkerra, two sides of a centuries-brewing conflict are at war: The Kingdom of Gastonia, and the World’s Rebellion (known to their enemies as “The Savage Races”).

The Dreamland Chronicles

With Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Giants, Dragons, and so much more…the Dreamland Chronicles’ creator Scott Christian Sava has created a world that encompasses some of his favorite childhood memories from movies like “The Princess Bride”, “The Neverending Story”, and “Clash of the Titans” as well as Books such as “The Hobbit”, “The Narnia Chronicles”, and “The Princess of Mars”.

Fey Winds

Kit used to live a simple life, an “innocent woodland creature” kind of simple life. But then a curse turned her human, and now, with her adventuring buddies (and their own curses), she’s on a quest to uncurse herself and her friends (hopefully), find magical treasures (unlikely) and stay ahead of the trouble that seems to be chasing them around the Seven Kingdoms (not gonna happen)… and maybe a raid a chicken coop or two on the way!

A Redtail's Dream

A Redtail's Dream" is a webcomic about a young man and his shapeshifting dog on an involuntary journey on the other side of the Bird's Path in the realm of dreams. They have to rescue their fellow Villagers before their souls pass on to Tuonela, the land of eternal sleep.

Stand Still, Stay Silent

Countless mysterious and unspoken dangers lurk outside the safe areas, the Silent world, and hunters, mages and cleansers will spend their lives defending the settlements against the terrifying beings. Because of a great fear towards everything in the Silent world no official attempts to explore the ruins of the old have been made, and most of the information about it has turned into ancient lore, known by few.

Lackadaisy Cats

The story of the roaring twenties told with cats!

WormWorld Saga

A young boy finds a magic painting that transports him to another world

Bird Boy

Bird Boy follows the story of Bali, a 10 year old Nuru boy, who is desperate to prove his worth to his tribe, despite his small stature. Banned from the ceremony that would make him an adult in the eyes of his people, he takes matters into his own hands. In an attempt to bring proof to his tribe that he is capable of taking care of himself, he stumbles upon a legendary weapon, and must end up fleeing across a dangerous land of gods, men and beasts to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
Sister ClaireRife with nuns, Witches, magick, werewolves, cats, giant robot mechas, and blue angels who pop out of toilets to announce approaching apocalypses, Sister Claire is the story of a young woman who leaves her quiet abbey to undergo a rigorous journey across a monster-riddled wilderness. On this journey, Claire begins to assemble the jigsaw puzzle of her past, present, and future, all while facing terrible dangers, finding new friends, and trying to save her found family from certain doom. Hot dog!