Professional Certificate Holders

Professional Certificate Holders Renewal Process

Professional Certificate: “Professional certificate” means the five-year certificate by the Department of Education issued to teachers, educational specialists, and administrators. 

Renewing your certificate can be done in a variety of ways; you may take graduate courses, attend professional development workshops, conferences, seminars and/or webinars, create a portfolio, or complete a combination of these. However you choose to proceed, there are a couple of requirements that are the same:

1. You must develop a Professional Renewal Plan, which describes the activities you will carry out to acquire the equivalent of six credits of approved study. Your Professional Renewal Plan may include six credits (90 hours) of academic study in the area of your endorsement or other activities designed to improve performance in that field.

2. Submit this plan to the Certification Council for prior approval of any courses or portfolio work you plan to use for recertification. This plan is due by the end of December of your new cycle. See your building representative if you need any assistance in completing this plan.  

Writing Goals: You need at least two goals per five year cycle that will earn you 6 credits (90 hours). Each goal can earn up to 3 credits (45 hours) of professional development.   We suggest having more than two goals giving you more options along your pathway of professional learning.  

Use the Pre-Approved Goals via Google Form

Get a copy of the Professional Renewal Plan.

Course Work

Course work means more than just graduate level courses. If you take an adult education course, related to your profession, that may be used. Also, workshops where contact hours or CEU's are given are considered "coursework. " Any professional learning which includes a signed certificate with documentation of hours can be submitted as coursework.

Official transcripts of course(s) must be uploaded to the Certification Council once you complete your course work. All  transcripts should be submitted to the Certification Council by January of your expiration year so as not to hold up the processing of your certification renewal. The certification chair can not approve your renewal application until all documentation has been submitted.

Upload your evidence here. 

Professional Renewal Portfolio

A portfolio is an organized means of recording continual professional growth. All documents secured in the portfolio should provide evidence that professional growth has occurred.

 A maximum of 45 hours (3 credits) is recognized in any one area of concentration other than coursework. 90 hours (6 credits) is required for certification renewal. You may use a portfolio for part or all of the 90 hours.

For all work other than courses, a log sheet per goal must be submitted showing dates, time spent, description of the activity. This log sheet must be signed by you and a committee chairperson, department head or principal.

Portfolio documentation must include the following: