

Goldfinches in the Hospital

Goldfinches, while easy to feed in homecare, require a bit of special attention when they are raised in the wildlife hospital setting. 

Handfeeding Goldfinches

Unlike many other songbirds, goldfinch nestlings are not fed many insects by their parents and require a different handfeeding formula we call Finch Diet (FD).

Young goldfinches do not stop gaping when they are handfed. As with other nestling songbirds that store food in their crop, be attentive to whether the crop is empty before feeding and make sure it doesn't get overfilled.

Goldfinches tend to move their heads when they are being syringe fed. Practice giving small amounts in short bursts so that when you syringe feed, they don't move their head while you are still depressing the plunger on the feeding syringe. If you do get food on their feathers, make sure to clean their feathers right away. Ask someone if you do not know how to do this. Also make sure the formula is the right consistency. It should be about the consistency of thick pancake battery. If it is too watery, it can drip out of the syringe and get all over their feathers. Also, if it's too watery, they are not getting enough calories because the formula is too diluted.

Normally, their feces, like other songbirds, should look dark and well-formed. They are susceptible to stress-related diseases such as an overgrowth of yeast or clostridium bacteria in their gut which can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea in goldfinches causes their feces to appear loose, lighter in color and grainy. In advanced cases, their feces can look the same as their hand-feeding formula - yellow, loose and grainy. What goes in should not look the same coming out. At the first sign of diarrhea, you should notify your mentor or shift leader or fill out an FYI form so that staff can perform the correct fecal examination and prescribe medication if needed.

Make sure the goldfinches are being fed an adequate amount closer to the upper range of what the chart says based on their weight as long as they are emptying their crops between feedings. Otherwise, they will not get enough calories during the course of the day. 


Homecare Information

Natural food items to try in homecare

Tips for homecare

Feeding Schedule in Homecare

Exact amount fed depends on how well food is emptying from the crop. Amount fed may need to be adjusted to achieve the correct frequency.

This feeding schedule is best for homecare, when the care person can pay close attention to the individual's changing nutritional needs.

In the hospital, for consistency, use a consistent pudding-like consistency and do not feed more than 0.8 ml per feeding.

Goldfinch Feeding Schedule

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